

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月06日 14:16   新浪教育

  Some studies have linked red meat to a greater risk of colon cancer, but a new report in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition questions such a link. Even if cancer or heart disease is related to processed meats and sausages, high-fat meats and those cooked at high-temperatures (which form carcinogens), that doesn't necessarily mean all meat, fish and poultry pose a risk.


  AICR claims that vegetarian eating may reduce the risk of some cancers, but emphasizes that any beneficial effects of a vegetarian diet may also be gained from one that limits meat and other animal products, and emphasizes an abundance of a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and beans. The same conclusion probably applies to heart-related and other health benefits of vegetarian eating. It's not just what you avoid, it's what you eat that counts.


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