

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月18日 14:20   新浪教育


  My God! The set is terrific! ----Pakistani go back home by train

  Nov 2,2008, millions of Sunnite Muslin Pakistani finished their religious activity in Multan and went back home by train. Because there are too many people, most of the passengers had to climb on the train or hung themselves out of the carriage. They did all kinds of difficult move and posture, all of them looked like acrobats. The set is the most impressive.


  Multan is the sixth largest city in Pakistan,the population is about 3,800,000。Multan is not only Pakistan’s religious shrine,but also as one of the religion center of southern Asia。

  Every year, large-scale religious activities are held in Multan and they are the second largest-scale in the world, only smaller than hajj of Saudi Arabia.


  The religious activity in Multan is lasted for 3 days. After the activity, people return home by train. People wave their hands happily aboard. It is a wonderful thing if they can own a seat, because in that case, they do not need to perform “acrobatics”.


  It is said that in India, because there are too many people, they sell “hanging tickets”; passengers who take “hanging tickets” can hang themselves out of train and travel.

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