

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月25日 17:29   新浪教育

  Few could have foreseen that Hohhot's new landmark, a prestige project for the local government, would never be built. The "Golden Eagle" building turned out to be a scam masterminded by Wang Xiniu, known at the time as Zheng Ze, the president of a Hong Kong company called the Golden Eagle Group.


  From the beginning, Wang carefully manipulated his image and won the trust of the local government. Reports say that Wang was often seen in his Cadillac limousine accompanied by eight body guards wearing black suits and sun glasses. Wang was also seen by many as generous philanthropist, as he was reported to have donated two million yuan to help the poor in a county in Sichuan Province.



  Whether they were impressed by Wang's largess, or simply too excited by the big investment he promised, officials in Hohhot were easily convinced when Wang brought up his plan of building western China's tallest building in Hohhot. The officials promised to help him in any way they could, including blowing up their own offices.


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