

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年11月26日 14:16   新浪教育

  Family Earthquake Drill 家庭防震练习

  It's important to know where you should go for protection when your house starts to shake. By planning and practicing what to do before an earthquake occurs, you can condition yourself and your family to react correctly and spontaneously when the first jolt or shaking is felt. An earthquake drill can teach your family what to do in an earthquake.



  • Each family member should know safe spots in each room.

  • Safe spots: The best places to be are under heavy pieces of furniture, such as a desk or sturdy table; under supported archways; and against inside walls.

  • Danger spots: Stay away from windows, hanging objects, mirrors, fireplaces, and tall, unsecured pieces of furniture.

  • Reinforce this knowledge by physically placing yourself in the safe locations. This is especially important for children.

  • In the days or weeks after this exercise, hold surprise drills.

  • Be prepared to deal with what you may experience after an earthquake--both physically and emotionally.







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