

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月01日 09:45   新浪教育

  Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison recently found that a form of meditative breathing pioneered at the Center for Mindfulness can affect the brain. In a small, soon-to-be-published study, Davidson took brain images of 25 members of a biotech firm who practiced meditation six days a week for eight weeks. He found increased activation in the left side of the prefrontal part of the brain, an area associated with lower anxiety, positive emotion and inhibition of the amygdala, the brain's fear center.

  最近,Wisconsin-Madison大学的Richard Davidson发现由心神贯注研究中心首创的一种冥想呼吸法能够对大脑产生影响。在一个小范围进行并即将发表的研究中,Davidson对一家生物技术公司的25名员工的大脑进行了成像,这些员工每周练习冥想6天,共练习了8周。他发现他们大脑额叶前部的左侧激活的情况有所增加,而这一部位与较低的焦虑水平、积极的情绪和大脑恐惧中心扁桃核的抑制相关。

  If sitting in one position for more than five minutes sounds impossible, you might try yoga. Concentrating on the physical intricacies of different poses forces you to filter out the "endless tape loops of chatter and fear," says Dr. Timothy McCall, medical editor of Yoga Journal, allowing you to be present in the moment. In so doing, you begin to clear the mind of future worries.

  如果你无法做到保持一种姿势坐5分钟以上,那么你可以试一试瑜伽。《瑜伽学报》医学编辑Timothy McCall博士说,集中注意力于不同姿态的身体的复杂之处可以迫使你过滤掉那些“如磁带卷一般无休止的战颤和恐惧”,从而使你回到现实中来。这样,你就开始从脑海中清除对未来的担心。

  That experience helps get rid of distorted thinking, says Stanford University psychiatrist Dr. David Burns. What to do in the face of terrorism? Accept your anxiety, but don't let it control you. And certainly don't ruminate on your own. "Anxiety feeds on itself," says Dr. Paul Appelbaum, president of the American Psychiatric Association, so talk to family and friends."Sharing the concern with others can be enormously helpful."

  斯坦福大学精神病学家David Burns博士说,这种经历可以帮助病人克服扭曲的思维方式。那么面对恐怖主义,该怎么办呢?接受焦虑,但是不要受它控制。当然你不要自个把事情翻来覆去地想个不停。“焦虑是越想越多,”美国精神病学会主席Paul Appelbaum博士这样说道,所以应该告诉家人和朋友。“和别人分担这些担心是非常有用的。”

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