2008年12月09日 11:18 国际在线
1、Hottest Hollywood Dads Brad Pitt recently became the legal father of Pax Thien, not pictured, the latest in the Jolie-Pitt clan. Additionally, he's adopted Maddox and Zahara, shown at left, and is the biological father of Shiloh Nouvel, right. Pitt looks like quite the family man taking his two young daughters for a walk in the sunshine in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt was adopted at 6 months old as an AIDS orphan, but is not infected with the virus. At the birth of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Pitt was there to cut her umbilical cord. 近日,好莱坞巨星布拉德·皮特成为安吉丽娜·朱莉新近收养的孩子帕克斯的法定养父。在收养帕克斯之前,皮特已经成为朱莉先前收养的马多斯和扎哈拉的养父,并和朱莉生下女儿希洛·努韦尔·朱莉-皮特。照片中,皮特带着两个女儿扎哈拉和希洛在街上散步,他看起来完全是个专业的居家奶爸。扎哈拉在6个月时被朱莉收养,她的亲生父母都因艾滋病去世,所幸她未被感染上病毒。而当女儿希洛出生时,皮特一直守候在产房,亲自为女儿剪断脐带。 声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。
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