

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月11日 13:24   新浪教育


  Leading naturopath shows how to su percharge your immune system and fight infections with out relying on antibi otics.


  There are natural ways to boost your body's defence system.In the right circumstances antibiotics are invaluable, but we have to use them selectively.


  As a result of overusing them, we are gradually seeing the rise of drug-resistant bacteria--superbugs that are a real danger to our health.Even when antibiotics are used against the "bad" bacteria that infect us, "friendly" bacteria, which we need for optimum health, are also damaged or killed.The solution is to help yourself.


  The key is to help strengthen your immune system and modify symptoms without taking them away because they are part of the recovery process.There are natural ways of doing this very effectively, for adults and children.


  Sore throat 咽喉肿痛

  This tells you an infection is on its way.It could be viral or bacterial, but the first course of action is to take zinc lozenges(from chemists and health-food shops).



  If your lymph glands are swollen, showing your waste disposal mechanism is blocked, lymphatic drainage massage will help.You should also try to avoid breathing through your mouth rather than your nose because this means not only is the air not filtered, but you are also drying up the mucous membrane, part of your body's defence mechanism.


  Enhance your immune function by taking care over your diet.High levels of refined carbohydrates, high-fat foods, alcohol and caffeine all affect efficiency.A good multivitamin and mineral supplement will act as insurance against any deficiency but probiotics also help.The herb extract echinacea has immune-enhancing properties.Gargling with one or two drops of tea tree oil mixed with water helps;it is a powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, an ti-viral agent.

  要提高免疫力还需注意饮食。过多地摄取精制碳水化合物、高脂肪食品、酒精和咖啡因都会使你的免疫力大打折扣。适当补充多种维生素和矿物质可以避免免疫力的下降, 益生菌制品也有此功效。松果菊属草药提取物也可以提高免疫力。把一两滴茶树油溶于水中用来漱口也是良方;茶树油具有抗真菌、抗细菌和抗病毒的功能。

  Toothache 牙痛

  If you have an infected tooth, you need to take antibiotics.Here, the alternative is not about what to do instead of taking them, it is about what to do as well as taking antibiotics and how to protect yourself after you've finished the course.The key is to take a supplement of the two main probiotics we need for the intestine, lacto-bacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum.Both help to detoxify the bowel, manufacture B vitamins and keep yeasts and undesirable bacteria in check, but are damaged by antibiotics.

  牙齿发炎确实需要服用抗生素。对此,自然疗法也并不是抛开抗生素,而是在服用抗生素的同时以及疗程过后采取一些自我保护措施。主要是补充肠道所需的两种有益菌群:嗜酸乳酸杆菌和两歧双歧杆菌。它们有助于排除肠道内的毒素, 制造维生素B, 并且能够有效控制酵母菌和不受欢迎的细菌的生长。然而抗生素会使它们遭到破坏。

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