

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月11日 13:24   新浪教育

  78.Even if you"re totally full,if someone says they"re going to throw away the leftovers on the table,you"ll finish them.即使你饱了, 当别人要把剩下的菜倒掉时你会一嘴把它吃完.

  79.You"ve eaten a red bean popsicle.你吃过红豆冰棍

  80.You bring oranges (or other produce)with you as a gift when you visit people"s homes. 你拜访别人时会带着水果

  81.You fight over who pays the dinner bill.你在餐后抢着付帐单.

  82.You majored in something practical like engineering,medicine or law. 你的主科是实用型的, 工程学, 机械学或法律.

  83.You live with your parents and you are 30years old (and they prefer it that way).Or if you"re married and 30years old,you live in the apartment next door to your parents,or at least in the same neighborhood.你三十岁时还和父母住在一起并且他们也喜欢你这样. 或者你已经三十岁并且结婚了, 但你还住在父母隔壁或同个小区.

  84.You don"t tip more than 10%at a restaurant,and if you do,you tip Chinese delivery guys/waiters more. 你不会给超过10%的小费, 即使有也是给中国服务员. (靠, 我都是给15%的, 给10%人家恨死你. 可能每个州不一样吧)

  85.You have acquired a taste for bitter melon. 你爱好吃苦瓜. (我就不爱吃苦瓜, 苦瓜汤还可以)

  86.You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl,but don"t eat the last piece of food on the table.你吃光碗里的最后一粒米, 但不吃盘里的最后一口菜.

  87.You know why there are 88reasons. 你知道为什么这里有88条.

  88.You see the truth in this and then send it to all your Chinese friends. 你发觉这里说的都是真的, 所以你把它send 给你认识的所有中国朋友

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