

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月24日 13:57   新浪教育


  “Despite how hard I try, I have been unable to land a new job. I have been thinking about volunteering to work for a company for free for 30 days so they can see how I perform. Hopefully they will then hire me. Do you think this is a good idea?”

  While the idea of volunteering to work for a company for free to get your foot in the door sounds good in theory, in reality, it is simply a bad idea. There are overwhelming legal and ethical issues.


  “Even nonprofit and governmental organizations using volunteers can’t assign them to tasks similar to work customarily performed by employees. Volunteers can’t be involved in the nonprofit’s work that is a commercial enterprise competing with other businesses( such as a church thrift store or a hospital gift shop). And if you’re seeking to volunteer for a for-profit business, think again. You can’t waive the right to receive the minimum wage for the work you do; otherwise, employers could routinely exploit desperate employees by asking them to waive all or part of their wages.一个有信誉的公司是不会冒法律责任聘请“义工”的,因为你稍后就可以控告他们并拿回积欠的工资,而且可以根据你工作的时间对他们进行惩罚。然而,由于各州法规不同,你应当向当地的律师咨询再考虑自己是否要免费工作。”

  Rather than“working for free”, here are a few other ideas to get your foot in the door:

  1. Volunteer for nonprofits to gain experience.

  2. Agree to work for a lower wages for a probationary period.

  3. Register with numerous temp agencies.

  4. Become active in trade, professional, or civic organizations and indicate your desire to work for the organization.

  Your persistence will produce results, but don’t allow companies to take advantage of you

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