

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年12月24日 16:46   新东方

  How to Escape an Inebriated Coworker 如何逃离一位醉酒后的同事

  An after-work drink with the new assistant sounded like fun, but three drinks later she is anything but. Can you ditch her? “No,” says author Anne Fisher. “Leaving a drunk to fend for herself could be dangerous, especially if he or she is planning to drive. You must either pour this person into a taxicab or drive him or her home.” Use any excuse you’d like to call it a night. (“I have so much to get ready for tomorrow.” “I’ve got to feed the dog.” “My mother phones me at 11 pm and I have to be home for her call.”)

  To mitigate any morning-after awkwardness with someone you’ll continue to see, shrug off her own comments about being embarrassed (don’t rub it in) and extend an occasional lunch invitation, says Fisher. Make sure you go “someplace that doesn’t serve anything stronger than iced tea.” And remember: Lots of people are “instant idiots” (just add alcohol) but fine company when sober.

  和新来的助手下班后一起喝酒听上去很不错,但是酒过三巡后,她形象尽失。能丢下她不管吗? ”不可以,“ 作家Anne Fisher说,”让喝醉了酒的人去照顾自己是危险的做法,尤其当他/她还打算开车的话。你可以将此人扶入一辆出租车,或开车送他/她回家。“ 你可以随便找一个理由来打住(”还要为明天做很多准备“,”我家有狗要喂“,“我母亲晚上11点会给我打电话,我要回去接电话”)。


  How to Escape a Run-In with a Long-Lost “Pal” 如何逃离和多年不见的“老友”的相遇

  If you barely have enough time for the friends you have now, be wary of taking on someone you haven’t missed that much and nip this encounter in the bud — nicely, of course. During the initial meeting, show some enthusiasm — “Great to see you!” — but don’t overdo it. “Don’t even vaguely suggest having lunch if your gut feeling is ‘Get me out of here,’” says author Margaret Shepherd.

  If the person insists on a “date” and keeps calling or e-mailing to follow up, Shepherd suggests spelling out the terms you can live with: location (close to you), duration (short), purpose (Is it strictly personal, or is there a business motive?). Also, be direct about anything you don’t want to discuss. (“I’d love to catch up on what you’re doing, but if we’re going to talk about that horrible personnel manager one more time, let’s call it off.”) Meet with the person once, and keep in mind that you don’t have to see him or her again if your opinion hasn’t changed.

  如果你的时间刚好只能贡献给你现在的朋友,在重逢那些交情浅的朋友时要小心,把这样的巧遇要“扼杀在摇篮里”——当然,是友善地。最初见面时,表现出一些热心:“见到你真好!”但别过度。“如果你心里想着”我想走“,那么也不要表现出丝毫要邀请此人共进午餐的迹象,”作家Margaret Shepherd说。


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