2008年12月25日 14:51 新浪教育
British men are couch potatoes who spend nearly half their free-time watching TV, an EU survey has revealed. 欧盟的一份调查显示:英国男人都是“电视迷”,他们有将近一半的空闲时间是在电视机前度过的。 They watch more TV than women, do less housework, less charity work and less childcare--but spend more time shopping, the poll suggests. 调查结果表明,他们看电视的时间比女人们还长,而他们在做家务、参加慈善事业和看护孩子方面做的较少,却将更多的时间花在购物上。 Analysts from Eurostat, the EU's statistical office, interviewed working men and women in 10 countries. 欧盟统计局的分析师们采访了来自10个国家的男性和女性工作者。 Britain, where men devoted 49% of their free-time to the box, came a narrow second to the Hungarians with 51%. 英国男人将49%的空闲时间贡献给了电视,仅略低于匈牙利人的51%。 German and Norwegian men watched the least TV--just over one third of their spare time. 德国和挪威男人看电视的时间最少,仅仅略多于业余时间的1/3。 The statisticians took the average of the figures for the whole year including holidays and weekends. 统计学家们把全年的数字累加起来算出平均数,其中包括假期和周末。 They broke down the "average day" into five categories--free-time, sleep, meals and personal care, travel, domestic chores and work/study. 他们把一天的活动分为五大类,包括空闲时间、睡觉、吃饭和个人护理、旅行、家务琐事和工作学习。 It shows that British men have four hours and 41 minutes free time each day--20 minutes more than women. 结果显示,英国男人每天有4小时41分钟的空闲时间,比英国女人多20分钟。 But women spend nearly double the amount of time on domestic chores than men. 但是,女人们花在家务琐事上的时间几乎是男人的两倍。 Almost three-and-a-half hours of a woman's day is taken up with domestic work, compared to less than two hours for men. 女人一天中差不多有三个半小时用来做家务,相比之下男人只花费不到两小时。 Food preparation makes up the bulk of the chores, with cleaning and shopping the next most time-consuming. 准备食物在家务事中占了很大一部分,接下来最花时间的是打扫卫生和采购。 They further broke down the free-time and domestic categories to reveal that men spend 137 minutes each day in front of the TV, compared to women's 114 minutes. 统计学家们进一步细分了空闲时间和家庭生活的种类,发现男人每天要在电视机前花费137 分钟,而妇女是114 分钟。 Women spend slightly more time on socialising, resting and reading than men, but slightly less time on hobbies, sport and exercise. 女人会比男人稍微多花一点时间去社交、休息和阅读,但她们花在个人爱好、运动和锻炼上的时间略少。 Universally unpopular with both sexes is culture--accounting for just 2% of both men and women's leisure time. 普遍不受男女欢迎的是“文化”,只占男人和女人闲暇时间的2%。 EU statisticians interviewed people between the ages of 20 and 74 years old in Belgium, Germany, Estonia, France, Hungary, Slovenia, Finland, Sweden, the UK and Norway. 欧盟的统计学家们采访了年龄从20到74岁的人群,他们来自比利时、德国、爱沙尼亚、法国、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚、芬兰、瑞士、英国和挪威。
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