2008年12月29日 11:51 新浪教育
Forget flowers. Today's women would much rather be wooed with gadgets. 忘了鲜花吧。小玩意儿对当今的女士们有更大的吸引力。 No longer are men expected to swim shark-infested waters or scale tall buildings to deliver a box of chocolates. These days a trip to the local electrical store will more than suffice. 女孩子已经不期待男友游过鲨鱼遍布的海洋,或者爬上高高的楼房自己送一盒巧克力的故事了。如今,两个人一起去附近的电器商城逛上一圈,也许女孩子会感觉更加幸福。 In a series of experiments monitoring a woman's reaction to certain types of presents, scientists at Britain's University of Hertfordshire found that high tech toys aroused the greatest response. 英国赫特福德大学的科学家们对女孩子收到不同礼物时的反应做了一系列的实验。结果表明,一些高科技的电动玩具最能引起女孩子的兴趣。 Ten men and ten women were tested by showing them various gadgets. 共有十位先生和十位女士参加了这项实验,他们会不断收到不同的礼物。 Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a "psycho-galvanometer" for tests. Like a lie detector, the machine measures arousal levels by how the skin resists a small electrical current. 心理学家将参加实验的男女分别系在一台名为“心理检流计”的机器上。这台“心理检流计”的工作原理和测谎仪基本相同。男女们对不同礼物的感兴趣程度会影响皮肤对微弱电流的抵抗。 Results showed that women got more aroused at being given gadgets as gifts. The biggest response came from women given a DVD player. 实验结果显示,当女士们收到一些精致的小玩意儿的时候,尤其是收到一台袖珍DVD播放机的时候,她们最兴奋。 "It's clear that flowers and chocolates really don't do it for women any more, so men should make sure they go for the coolest, shiniest gadgets," psychologist Dr Adam Johnson who carried out the study said. 实验的组织者心理学家亚当·约翰逊博士说:“显然,鲜花和巧克力对女士们来说已经没有什么吸引力了,所以,先生们可要注意了,你们在选择礼物时,一定要选那些最酷的,最抢眼的东西。” "The results show that the gifts we traditionally perceive as romantic fail to impress men or women today." "实验结果同时也说明,传统的代表浪漫的礼物已经不能够有效地打动时下的男女了。"
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