

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年01月06日 17:08   新浪教育

  YOUR WORLD 生活环境:改善周围环境

  Better the world around you.

  Learn About Abraham Lincoln 了解亚伯拉罕.林肯的生平

  Plant a Square-Foot Garden 开辟一个花园

  Hypermile When You Drive 让每加仑汽油的行驶里程达到最大

  Help Those Hit by the Recession 帮助那些受到经济衰退打击的人

  Switch to a Push Mower 把汽油驱动式割草机换成人力驱动式割草机

  Air Dry Your Laundry 凉晒清洗后的衣物

  Practice Spreading Tolerance 尝试播散宽容的种子

  Ditch the Phone While Driving 开车时不打电话

  Get Your News Online 在网上看新闻

  Buy Laptops for Kids 为孩子买电脑

  YOUR PLAY 休闲娱乐:认真享受生活

  Travel, read, cook...and don't forget to have fun.

  Learn to Play Bridge 学打桥牌

  Visit Alaska 去阿拉斯加旅游

  Celebrate the Life of Miles Davis 。。。

  Take a 'Staycation' 就近度假'Geotag' Your Digital Pictures 为数码照片标明拍摄地点

  Watch the Beatles Let It Be 欣赏关于甲壳虫乐队

  Teach Your Kids to Cook 教孩子做饭(自己先学会了再说)

  Play a Fake Musical Instrument 在游戏中模拟弹奏乐器

  Read the Book Before the Movie 看电影之前阅读相关书籍

  Try Your Hand at Pottery 学着制件陶器

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