2009年01月09日 10:02 沪江英语
Mika and Anna-Lena's mother, who was not identified, said she had known nothing of her children's plan. "I'm still in a state of shock. I thought 'I'm playing a part in a bad movie.' When we realised the kids were missing we went looking for them." But only when the police called did they realise what had happened. Mika和Anna-Lena的妈妈声称对孩子们的计划毫不知情。“我至今还深感震惊。我觉得自己好像在拍一部可怕的电影。当发现孩子们不见时,我们立刻到处寻找。”但直到接到警方通知,他们才意识到真正发生了什么。 Asked why they failed to let their parents know, the children said they thought they would not be gone for long. 当问到为什么不告诉父母,孩子们称他们本打算很快就回来。 Mika told police he instigated the plan having been inspired by a winter holiday with his family in Italy. "Based on this the children began to make plans for the future," Jureczko said. 一次寒假里在意大利的全家旅行让Mika想出了这个计划。Jureczko称,孩子们由此开始为未来做起了准备。 To allay their disappointment at being caught, Hanover police gave them a tour of the police headquarters. Jureczko said: "They'll have the chance to put their plan into action at a later date". 为了不让被“捉回”的孩子们感到伤心,汉诺威警方带领他们参观了警察局总部。Jureczko称:“孩子们愿意以后再实行他们的这个计划。”
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