

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年01月09日 11:00   新东方

  Monique Huston actually has her dream job -- and many tell her it's theirs, too. She's general manager of a pub in Omaha, the Dundee Dell, which boasts 650 single-malt scotches on its menu. She visits bars, country clubs, people's homes and Scotland for whiskey tastings. "I stumbled on my passion in life," she says.

  Monique Huston拥有一份理想的工作,而且许多人告诉她这工作也是他们所梦想的。她是奥马哈市一家酒馆的总经理。这家名为Dundee Dell的酒馆供应650种单麦芽苏格兰威士忌。为了推销威士忌,她走访了酒吧、乡村俱乐部、民宅。她说:“我这个激情是偶然发现的。”

  Still, some nights she doesn't feel like drinking -- or smiling. "Your face hurts," she complains. And when you have your dream job you wonder what in the world you'll do next.


  One of the big appeals of a dream job is dreaming about it. Last year, George Reinhart saw an ad for a managing director of the privately owned island of Mustique in the West Indies.

  白日梦本身就是一件幸福的事。去年George Reinhart发现位于西印度群岛的Mustique私人岛在招聘总经理。

  He was lured by the salary ($1 million) and a climate that beat the one enjoyed by his Boston suburb. A documentary he saw about Mustique chronicled the posh playground for the likes of Mick Jagger and Princess Margaret. He reread Herman Wouk's "Don't Stop the Carnival," about a publicity agent who leaves his New York job and buys an island hotel. In April of last year, he applied for the job.

  他被1百万美元的薪水和比波斯顿市郊宜人的气候所吸引。他看过有关此岛的一部纪录片,那是上好的休闲胜地,专门服务Mick Jagger及Princess Margaret这类名流。他重读了Herman Wouk的小说《不停狂欢》,书中讲述一位纽约的宣传代理人辞职买下了一个岛屿旅店。在去年四月他申请了这份工作。

  He heard nothing. So last May, he wrote another letter: "I wanted to thank you for providing the impetus for so much thought and fun." He didn't get the job but, he says, he takes comfort that the job hasn't been filled. "So, I can still dream," he adds.


  I told him the job had been filled by someone -- but only after he said, "I need to know, because then I can begin to dream of his failure."


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