2009年01月15日 09:53 新浪教育
A school administrator has proposed a job cut--his own--to help the district fight its growing budget deficit. 为了帮助所在学区削减日益增长的财政赤字,一位学校行政官员提出了裁员的建议——把自己裁掉。 Dollar Bay-Tamarack Superintendent Robert Barrette said he plans to recommend eliminating his position. "I cost money," Barrette said. "I've looked at everything else but there's just not a lot to cut in our budget." 多纳湾-塔玛拉克学区的学监罗伯特·巴雷特说,他打算建议裁撤他自己的位置。“我的职位需要金钱投入,”巴雷特说,“能想的办法我都想了,但是我们的预算中没有多少可以削减的地方。” When the school board meets to develop next year's budget. Barrette plans to recommend his own termination and the consolidation of his position with that of principal William Tarbox. 他打算在学校董事会开会决定下年度预算的时候提出建议,取消专设的学监,让校长威廉·塔波克斯兼任这个职务。 "It's either that or cut teachers," Barrette said. "Schools are about kids. If we cut teachers we hurt the quality of education, but eliminating an administrator won't hurt kids." “要么这样,要么就得减少教师人数,”巴雷特说,“学校是为孩子们开的。如果我们削减教师人数,教育的质量就会下降;而减少一个行政人员不会对孩子们造成影响。” Dollar Bay has 19 teachers for 262 students in grades kindergarten through 12. Barrette, who makes about $100,000 per year, including benefits, said eliminating just one teacher would force the district to cut programs. 多纳湾学区有19名教师,以及从幼儿园到12年级的262名学生。包括福利在内,巴雷特每年可以挣到大约10万美元。他说,哪怕是减少一名教师也会迫使这个学区减少教学项目。
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