2009年01月15日 10:42 新浪教育
没有过口误而即刻后悔的时候? HAVE you ever mistakenly said something you instantly regretted? 巴拉克-奥巴马 Barack Obama 在准备美国大选期间,有公众指责巴拉克-奥巴马是伊斯兰教徒。 During the build-up to the US election, Barack Obama faced allegationsthat he was a Muslim. 然而这种断言是完全错误的,一些反对派想要把总统大选跟美国民众不相信的宗教团体联系在一起。 Although the claim was completely false, some political opponents wanted to link the President-elect with a religious group that is not trusted by many Americans. 在ABC 网采访他的时候,他口误说成了“我的穆斯林信仰”。 In an interview on the ABC network, Obama referred to “my Muslim faith” by mistake. 他很快更正,表示“我的信仰是基督教”。 He quickly corrected himself by saying that he meant, “my Christian faith”. 乔治布什 George W. Bush 乔治布什以他口误时造出的词-布什主义而闻名于世。 George W. Bush is so famous for his slips of the tongue that a term was created to describe them – Bushisms. Website Slate.com 定期更新他的语录。 Website Slate.com keeps a regularly updated archive of quotes. 2004年他有次口误竟说他伤害了他自己的国家:“我们的敌人是革新和谋略,我们也是国家的敌人。 In 2004, he mistakenly suggested that he was out to harm his own country: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. “他们一直挖空心思用新方式伤害我们的国家和我们的人民,我们也一样。” They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” 戈登布朗 Gordon Brown 上周,英国首相戈登布朗在每周一次的回答国会议员的会议上就犯了这样的错误。 British prime minister Gordon Brown made this very error last week during Prime Minster’s Questions, a weekly session where members of Parliament can question the prime minister. 他回答的问题是有关经济的,布朗想表达的明明是“我们拯救的不仅仅是银行”,结果却说成了“我们拯救的不仅仅是世界。” Responding to a question about the economy, Brown began a sentence, “We not only saved the world,” when meaning to say, “We not only saved the banks.” 他的口误被他的反对派嗤之以鼻,甚至就连他的支持者也在嘲笑他。 This slip of the tongue was greeted with uproarious laughter from Brown’s political opponents, and even from some of his supporters. 许多人认为这是他下意识的说出了自己的心声,这位首相确实认为他在经济危机时拯救了世界。 Many claim that it was a Freudian slip, and that the PM really believes that he saved the world during the financial crisis. 然而戈登布朗不是犯此类错误的第一人。 But Gordon Brown is not the first person to make such a mistake.
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