

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月02日 13:52   中国日报网站

    Finding a job is, at times, a full-time job. At any given moment, there are hundreds of thousands of open job listings across the United States. How do you connect with the ones that are right for you?


  Some jobs use salary keywords, some use words that describe specific traits or assignments. Your job -- in order to get a job -- is to figure out which postings have keywords you should respond to (and which you should avoid). Then, you need to know what they really mean, and how to use them in your resume and cover letters.


  Employers often use search engine techniques to sort through resumes for the ones with the best ratio of meaningful keyword hits. Hey, you're as smart as a search engine, aren't you?


  Here are some words to look for, and others to look out for.


  Words & Phrases to Send You Running


  * "Campus Rep" -- These low-level sales jobs prey upon recent grads. You'll just end up back on your old campus trying to sell things to students, and as you know, students don't have much money, so you won't make much either.


  * "Salary + Commission" -- Again, a tough place to be for a first-timer. Sales jobs do typically pay commissions, but it could take years to build up a good enough sales network so you can earn enough to live. If a sales job wants entry-level folks, they know they're not going to pay you much, so best to just go for a plain old salary.


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