2009年02月05日 10:10 新浪教育
学英语“最重要的两件事情”就是发音和句型!当你的发音过关之后,就要开始大量地收集句型了! 今天,通过两个多小时的疯狂阅读,我为全国的英语学习者选择了一个最有用的句型: My focus this year will be on how to achieve optimum health, deepen my spiritual connection, and have some fun. 我今年的重点将是, 如何获得最大程度的健康, 加深我的精神修养,并获得快乐。 这个高级句型就是:My focus this year will be on how to 。.. 我再额外送给大家一些好句子: 1. My focus this year will be on how to speak English well. 2. My focus this year will be on how to balance my life. 3. My focus this year will be on how to deal with pressure. 也可以这样造句: 4. My focus this year will be on improving my relationship with my family. 5. My focus this year will on increasing my vocabulary. 有了“超级牛”的句型,你的英语口语在2009年一定能有大的突破!
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