2009年02月06日 10:22 新东方
Q: What is an example of one of these deadly heart rhythms?
A: In most cases, it's probably ventricular fibrillation that causes these sudden deaths from fear. Ventricular fibrillation basically causes the ventricles (lower chambers of the heart) to vibrate in a way that hampers their ability to deliver blood to the body. 问:举一个这些致命的非正常心跳节奏的一个例子? 答:大多数情况下,很可能是由于心室颤动导致恐惧引发的突然死亡。心室颤动主要导致心室(心脏下方的腔室)的振动,这种振动阻碍了心室向全身供血的能力。 Q: What other emotional states besides fear could lead to these fatal heart rhythms? A: Any strong positive or negative emotions such as happiness or sadness. There are people who have died in intercourse or in religious passion. There was a case of a golfer who hit a hole in one, turned to his partner and said, "I can die now"—and then he dropped dead. A study in Germany found an increase of sudden cardiac deaths on the days that the German soccer team was playing in the World Cup. For about seven days after the 9/11 terrorists attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon there was an increase of sudden cardiac death among New Yorkers. 问:除了恐惧之外,还有哪些其它情绪状态能导致这些致命的心跳节奏? 答:任何强的正面的或者负面的情绪,比如快乐和悲伤,都能导致这些致命的心跳节奏。有人曾经在性交或者狂热的宗教激情中死去。曾经有一个高尔夫球手,他打了一个一杆进洞,然后转向他的伙伴说到:“我现在可以死了”---然后他倒地就死了。在德国进行的一项研究表明,在德国足球队踢世界杯的期间,死于突发性心脏病的病例提高了。在9/11恐怖分子袭击世贸大楼和五角大楼之后大约7天里,纽约市民中死于突发性心脏病的病例增多了。 Q: Who is most likely to suffer from sudden death? A: A predisposition to heart disease would probably increase your risk of sudden death, but it happens at all ages and can happen to otherwise healthy people. 问:哪些人最易罹难于突然死亡? 答:易患心脏病的人可能会增大突然死亡的风险,但是它也发生于所有年龄段的人,而且也可能发生在健康人身上。 Vocabulary: Elude:逃避 Cop:(口语)警察 Botched:糟糕的;搞砸的 Fugitive:逃亡的 Prosecutor:检察官 Felony:重罪 Neurology:神经(病)学 Physiology:生理学 Dilate: 放大 Pupil: 瞳孔 Jaguar: 美洲豹 Primitive: 原始的 Rev up: 增大;提高 Hormone: 荷尔蒙 Adrenaline: 肾上腺激素 Neurotransmitter: 神经递质 Visceral: 内脏的 Receptor: 受体 Cardiac: 心脏的 Myocyte: 肌细胞 Sinoatrial: 窦房的 Atrioventricular: 心房与心室的 Ventricle: 心室 Hamper: 阻碍 Predisposition: 倾向性(编辑:胡慧) (英语原文来自SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN《科学美国人》http://www.sciam.com)
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