

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年02月17日 10:35   新浪教育


  Be your gender what it may, you will certainly have heard the following from a female friend who is enumerating the charms of a new (male) squeeze: “He’s really quite cute, and he’s kind to my friends, and he knows all kinds of stuff, and he’s so funny…” However, there is something that you absolutely never hear from a male friend who is hymning his latest (female) love interest: “She’s a real honey, has a life of her own…and, man, does she ever make ‘em laugh.”


  Now, why is this? Why is it the case? I mean. Why are women, who 3)have the whole male world at their mercy, not funny? Please do not pretend not to know what I am talking about.


  All right—try it the other way. Why are men, taken on average and as a whole, funnier than women? Well, for one thing, they had damn well better be. The chief task in life that a man has to perform is that of impressing the opposite sex, and Mother Nature (as we laughingly call her) is not so kind to men. In fact, she equips many fellows with very little armament for the struggle. An average man has just one, 4)outside chance: he had better be able to make the lady laugh. Making them laugh has been one of the crucial 5)preoccupations of my life. If you can stimulate her to laughter—I am talking about that real, out-loud, head-back, mouth-open-to-expose-the-full-6)horseshoe-of-lovely-teeth, involuntary, full, and deep-throated 7)mirth; the kind that is accompanied by a shocked surprise and a slight 8)peal of delight—well, then, you have at least caused her to loosen up and to change her expression. I shall not elaborate further.


  Women have no corresponding need to appeal to men in this way. They already appeal to men, if you 9)catch my drift.


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