

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月03日 13:48   沪江英语

 6. 陆毅:凭什么要男人付赡养费?

  眼下婚姻自由,男女平等,凭什么要男人付赡养费?你结婚为什么,要男人,养一张长期饭票。这和长期卖淫有什么区别呢?别嫌我说话难听,我说的句句都是实话。你不要以为在婚姻里有所付出,就应该有所得到,男人也付出了,而且也不比你少。声嘶力竭的大喊,我把青春给了你, 你要补偿,这是40岁以上失态的做法。糟糠下塘,领着一群儿女,要多少钱是应该的,可以的,这才叫赡养费。可你和他结婚四年多,连个肚子都没大过,你有什么损失吗?女人总是责备男人包二奶可耻,可包养谁都可悲。如果你坚持要钱的话,那也不是赡养费而是遣散费。

  Marriage is the result of free will, men and women are equals. Why should men pay alimony? Why did you get married in the first plase? For starters you're just an extra mouth to feed. Your relationship to my client was that of a long term whore. I'm not trying to offend you. I'm simply stating the truth. You shouldn't assume that having been married gives you the right to ask for compensation. My client was married too, and he invested just as much as you did. Screaming out hysterically "I wasted my best years on you, you must pay!" is something women in their late 40s like to do. For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word alimony. In all the time you were married to my client, you never once got pregnant. So what do you compensation for? Women say that men haing mistresses is shameful. Men say loving anybody is a tragedy. If you still want money, then it isn't an alimoney, it's severance pay。

  7. 保阪尚希:人是世界上最丑陋最无能的一种动物。

  人呢,是世界上最丑陋最无能的一种动物 。跑不快,不能潜水,也不能飞。冷了要穿衣服,热了呢,他还要使空调,什么事都要借助工具,他凭什么占据和统治这个地球?如果把地球重新格式化的话,人类还能统治吗?绝对不可能!

  Humans are the ugliest and most impotent species on the face of this earth. We can't run, can't swim underwater, can't fly. When we're cold we wear more clothes. When we're hot, we have to turn up the air conditioning. We rely on tools for everying. Why should we be allowed to conquer and control this earth? If the world we're so start from scratch again, would man be at the top of the food chain? I think not。

  8. 邓超:给我两斤真爱,拿回去喂狗。


  In this day and age, pigs eating people isn't a headline. Being married for ten years, now that's what I call news。

  邓超:宁可高傲的发霉,也不要卑微的恋爱... 给我两斤真爱,拿回去喂狗..。婚姻是什么,婚姻是爱情的坟墓。


  - It's better to rot with dignity than to love in shame... Fetch me 1 kilo of true love! I'll take it home to feed the dog... What is marriage? Marriage is love's gravestone。

  - If marriage is love's gravestone, then those who do not marry die in unnamed graves。

  - 现在就好比对面站的是往奶粉里掺三聚氰胺那孙子

  - 这厮得骂一下,你这个进化不完全的生命体,基因突变的外星人,化粪池堵塞的凶手,阴阳失调的黑猩猩,和蟑螂共存活的超个体,


  - Just imagine that you're standing opposite that bastard who poisoned the milk with melamine。

  - He deserves a good cursing! You're a poorly evolved organism. An alien with stunted DNA. The thing that is blocking my septic tank. Apremenstural chimpanzee. The superorganism of an empire of cockroaches. A pustulent vegetable. A retarded fossil. The black hole into which the universe continually implodes. Not even amoeba can survive on a keyboard you've touched. Your saliva is 100 times mor deadly than SARS. If you look up it opens a hole in the ozone layer. You are polluting the entire solar system. So imagine the furthest palce you can and piss off!

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