2009年03月05日 15:40 沪江英语
前第一夫人听耳边小布什鼾声如雷,叹自己不过一介绝望主妇。 今日女人总是,在外呼风唤雨在家贤妻良母。 若无半点置之死地而后生的绝望感, 如何能在创造个人价值同时,得以维系婚姻?
![]() 《绝望主妇》绝处逢生 ![]() 姓名:Susan Mayer、Lynette Scavo、Bree Hodge、Gabrielle Solis、Edie Britt 年龄:奔40 职业:小学老师兼儿童作家(Primary School Teacher/Children's Author);披萨店合伙人兼经理(Pizzeria co-owner and manager);宴会备办人(Caterer);社交名流(Socialite);房地产经纪人(Real-estate agent) Desperate Housewives is setting in the street of Wisteria Lane in the fictional American town of Fairview, Eagle State. It follows the lives of a group of women, seen through the eyes of their dead neighbor, as they work through domestic struggles and family life, while facing the secrets, crimes and mysteries hidden behind the doors of their – at the surface – beautiful suburban neighborhood 网友评论
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