

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月13日 14:35   沪江英语

  第二位 最具暧昧火花的非情侣


  《识骨寻踪》 Booth and Brennan


  Booth and Brennan have the best bickering of any couple on television. And, of course, their bickering is filled with sexual tension galore. They are staying apart because of professionalism but it’s hard to keep your distance when you’re forced to share kisses under the mistletoe like in “The Santa in the Slush。” They tease, but they’re overprotective. They’re in therapy, but they’re not even together. It’s best put by Booth when he said, “There’s someone you’re meant to spend the rest of your life with. You just have to be open enough to see it. That’s all。”

第一位 最众望所归情侣

  《越狱》 Michael and Sara


  On paper, finding a way to incorporate a realistic love story into a show about breaking out of prison seems next to impossible, but when you have a character as impossibly good looking as Michael Scofield, drastic measures must be taken. Enter the beautiful and intelligent Sara Tancredi. Introduced as Michael’s prison doctor in season one, the writers and directors of Prison Break managed to gradually develop a relationship that was both genuine and swoon worthy. From the moment when Michael snuck a daring kiss in between insulin shots in ‘Fox River Penitentiary’ to when Michael discovers what he thinks is the decapitated head of Sara in season three, the audience waited with bated breath for these two crazy fugitives to have their happy ending。

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