

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月25日 10:40   沪江英语

  13. You have won, O Galilean

  13. 你赢了,伽利略

  Said by: Emperor Julian, having attempted to reverse the official endorsement of Christianity by the Roman Empire。


  14. No, you certainly can't。

  14. 不,你当然不能这样。

  Said by: John F. Kennedy in reply to Nellie Connally, wife of Governor John Connelly, commenting "You certainly can't say that the people of Dallas haven't given you a nice welcome, Mr. President."

  出自: 约翰· F. 肯尼迪回答州长约翰· 康奈利的夫人奈丽· 康奈利,她说到 “总统先生,你可不能说达拉斯人民不欢迎您”。

  15. I feel ill. Call the doctors。

  15. 我很难受。叫医生来。

  Said by: Mao Zedong (Chairman of China)


  16. Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here

  16. 明天,我将不在这里

  Said by: Nostradamus


  17. Hurry up, you Hoosier bastard, I could kill ten men while you're fooling around!

  17. 快点吧,你们这些印第安杂种,你们在这晃荡的功夫,我都能杀10个人了!

  Said by: Carl Panzram, serial killer, shortly before he was executed by hanging。

  出自:卡尔· 潘兰,连环杀手,在他要上绞架之前这么说。

  18. Put out the bloody cigarette!!

  18. 掐掉那该死的烟头!!

  Said by: Saki, to a fellow officer while in a trench during World War One, for fear the smoke would give away their positions. He was then shot by a German sniper who had heard the remark。


  19. Please don't let me fall。

  19. 请不要让我掉下去。

  Said by: Mary Surratt, before being hanged for her part in the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln. She was the first woman executed by the United States federal government。

  出自:玛丽· 苏拉特,她因参与同谋刺杀林肯总统而被处以绞刑。她是美国联邦政府第一个被处死的女人。

  20. Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies。

  20. 现在,现在,我的好兄弟,我可没时间再树敌了。

  Said by: Voltairewhen asked by a priest to renounce Satan。


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