

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月27日 15:50   新浪教育


  Listen up, guys. Girls want bad boys. That's right.They want bad boys and they want them baaaaad. Why, you ask? I have a few theories which I'll pass on to you below:


  1. Whether they admit it or not, women love excitement! They love the ongoing surprise element, wondering when he's going to call, if he's going to ask her out, will he be drunk or stoned when she sees him。


  2. Women love the raw, hunky, masculinity associated with the proverbial bad boy. Not that all bad boys fit this physical mold, but the dirtier, the messier the hair, and the grubbier the clothes, the faster she'll come running。


  3. Traveling to the edge, and maybe even over: the good girl relishes the pure thrill of traveling to the edge with her bad boy. Not that she'll participate in his hard drinking, wild riding, heavy smoking practices, but boy does she like to go along for the wild ride!


  4. Her nurturing side revs into overdrive. Many women ascribe to the "fix-it" style of relationship, and what better to fix than a bad boy?


  Want to be a bad boy? Here are a few things you can do to take on that persona:


  1. Dress the part 衣着方面:

  This is no time for starched shirts. We're talking jeans and t-shirts--the grubbier the better。


  2. Hygiene 卫生:

  This is a tough one because you certainly don't want to smell like the town dump, but a little BO is an unbelievable aphrodisiac. Also, get a little grease under those fingernails, like you've spent the day in the garage crawling around car engines。


  3. Getting the voice and lingo down 让说话的声音和词语下流些:

  Spend an evening or two in a biker bar. Listen to how the bad boy bikers talk. Copy them。


  4. Take up smoking 开始抽烟:

  This may be a tough one, but you can always just swish the smoke around in your mouth rather than inhale。


  5. Transportation 交通工具:

  Speaking of bikers, get your own bike, or if that's not an option, find yourself a souped up car with a LOUD muffler。


  6. Drink beer with whisky chasers 喝完啤酒再喝威士忌:

  Need I say more?


  7. Music 音乐:

  Hard core, acid rock, and turn it up loud!!!


  8. Be erratic 飘忽不定:

  Be unreliable as hell in calling her. Tell her you'll call at a certain time, and then don't call. Call her in the middle of the night. Tell her you want to see her and then never follow up. Get her on a wild goose chase--AFTER YOU!!!!


  So, fellas, there you are, my advice on how to become a bad boy and have the girls flocking to your door。



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