

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年03月31日 15:25   新浪教育

 In the Ninght Club


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  750.There is a very good nightclub nearby。


  751. Oh,the dance hall looks very nice and the music is wonderful。


  752.The band is called“Four and One”。


  753.They are good especially at playing rock and roll。


  754.Then you must be interested in disco dancing, aren't you?


  755. Disco dancing is my favorite。


  756. It is great fun and a good exercise as well。


  757. Look at all the crazy girls on the dance floor。


  758. Yeah,this could be the most swinging place in the whole Asia。


  759. Wait until their rock band comes on。


  760. I was told that they are really first rate。


  Dialogue A

  Rose:How is the night life in Nanjing, Mike?

  Mike:Very interesting!

  Rose:What do you suggest then?

  Mike:How about going to dance?There is a very good nightclub nearby。

  Rose:That's fine idea. Let's go. (At the club)

  Rose:Oh,the dance hall looks very nice and  the music is wonderful。

  Mike:I'm glad you like it. The band is called“Four and One”。They are good especially at playing rock and roll。

  Rose:That's great! I love to dance to fast music。

  Mike:Then you must be interested in disco dancing, aren't you?

  Rose:Yes,disco dancing is my favorite. It is great fun and a good exercise as well。

  Mike: O. K. . Let's dance the disco. (After that)

  Rose:Now the band are playing a slow dance。

  Mike:That's waltz. It's beautiful dance. Will you have a try?

  Rose:Sorry, I think I'll sit out the next dance。

  Mike:All right. Let me get you something to drink。

  Rose:That's very kind of you, thanks。

  Dialogue B

  Reception Waiter:Good evening! How many, please?


  Reception Waiter:There is a cover charge of 25 yuan per person, sir. Yours is 75 yuan。

  Peter:What?25 yuan even before we enter?

  Reception Waiter: Yes, sir. But of the 20 yuan cover charge you'll get your first drink free. You have a choice of any drink under 15 yuan。

  Sam:That's not too bad. O. K. ,here is 100 yuan。

  Reception Waiter:Thank you. And here is your change and your tickets,sir。

  Dan:What are we supposed to do with the tickets?

  Reception Waiter:You take it to the bar counter and trade it for your selected drink there。

  Dan:I see. Thank you. (They go inside)

  Peter:Wow, this place is wild. I never expected to see any-thing like this in China。

  Dan:Yeah, we could be in Hong Kong for that matter. Look at all the crazy girls on the dance floor。

  Peter:Yeah,this could be in most swinging place in the whole Asia。

  Sam:Surprised already,eh?We haven't seen anything. Wait until their rock band comes on. I was told that they arereally first rate. But let's go and get out“free drinks”first。


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