

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年04月07日 10:03   新东方

  Q: How many unemployed workers does China have?

  A: No one really knows。

  The most readily available and most official statistic on unemployment in China is the one that just about everybody including government officials agrees tells you the least. The registered urban unemployment rate was 4.2% at the end of 2008, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (in Chinese). But that only means 8.86 million urban residents were registered to receive unemployment benefits; the statistic doesn't even attempt to count the actual number of people without work. Nor do the figures include migrant workers, a major component of China's labor force。

  Since the onset of the current crisis, the government has tried to get a better grasp of the situation, sending officials fanning out across the country to try to count the number of migrant workers without jobs. Results varied, but a survey by the Ministry of Agriculture got the most attention. It put the number of lost jobs at roughly 20 million, out of a total migrant population of about 130 million, by early 2008。

  Last week, the National Bureau of Statistics reported the results of its latest survey of 68,000 rural households. It raised the estimate of the current number of rural migrant workers to 140 million, and said about 23 million were looking for new work either in cities or in their home region. So there seems to be a rough agreement on at least the order of magnitude of recent job losses。

  The government says it is trying to move toward a better method: using surveys to estimate the proportion of the total workforce that do not have jobs. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences attempted to do that with its own survey of more than 7,000 people in mid-2008. It found that 9.4% of its urban sample would be considered 'economically active' but without work, i.e. formally unemployed (see this Chinese report). If its survey is representative, that would imply the real unemployment rate is more than twice the official figure even before the crisis。

  That's not the upper end of estimates. Professor Zeng Xiangquan, president of the School of Labor and Personnel at Renmin University in Beijing, reportedly said (in Chinese here) that the NBS' initial attempts at using surveys to estimate unemployment have over the past three years come back with a rate of over 20%。

  Counting the number of unemployed people isn't a simple task even in countries with much more sophisticated survey techniques, and there is often wide variation in estimates. For instance, the U.S. government issues a broader jobless rate that shows much higher levels than the one more commonly quoted。

  But the varying numbers have led members of the confused public to gather online and ask (in Chinese): How high, exactly, is China's jobless rate?











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