

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年05月05日 10:12   新浪教育



  World Press Freedom Day is annually observed on May 3 to remind us all of the vital importance of this core freedom.  It is a day in which we celebrate the indispensable role played by journalists in exposing abuses of power, while we sound the alarm about the growing number of journalists silenced by death or jail as they attempt to bring daily news to the public。

  1.Observe 与celebrate 为同义词,句子结构词多变

  2.be of vital importance 极为重要,议论文写作常用表达

  3.it is a day in which we celebrate the indispensable role … 可引申出 … is a day in which …和 … is a place where … 灵活多变的表达方式

  4.the growing number of 可替代more and more

  5.attempt to: 替代try to

  Although World Press Freedom Day has only been celebrated since 1993, its roots run deep in the international community.  In 1948, as people across the globe emerged from the horrors of the Second World War, nations saw fit to enshrine in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights the fundamental principle that everyone “has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers。”

  1.its roots run deep

  2.…to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. 动词排比加介词状语并列

  Even as the world recognizes the central and indisputable importance of press freedom, journalists find themselves in frequent peril.  Since this day was first celebrated some sixteen years ago, 692 journalists have been killed.  Only a third of those deaths were linked to the dangers of covering war; the majority of victims were local reporters covering topics such as crime, corruption, and national security in their home countries. Adding to this tragic figure are the hundreds more each year who face intimidation, censorship, and arbitrary arrest – guilty of nothing more than a passion for truth and a tenacious belief that a free society depends on an informed citizenry.  In every corner of the globe, there are journalists in jail or being actively harassed: from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe, Burma to Uzbekistan, Cuba to Eritrea.  Emblematic examples of this distressing reality are figures like J.S. Tissainayagam in Sri Lanka, or Shi Tao and Hu Jia in China(此部分涉华言论已遭外交部强烈抗议).  We are also especially concerned about the citizens from our own country currently under detention abroad:  individuals such as Roxana Saberi in Iran, and Euna Lee and Laura Ling in North Korea。

  1.the central and indisputable importance of

  2.find themselves in frequent peril:处在危险之中

  3.Some sixteen years ago: 60年前

  4.The majority of: 替换写作常用词:most, many

  5.Nothing more than: 双重否定表强调

  6.In every corner of the globe= all around the world

  Today, I lend my voice of support and admiration to(声援) all those brave men and women of the press who labor to expose truth and enhance accountability around the world.  In so doing, I recall the words of Thomas Jefferson: "The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people,(独立主格结构) the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter。”

  1. Were it left to me decide whether we should… or …, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the former/latter. 写作常用套句


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