2009年05月12日 19:30 新浪教育
Women whose mothers have big hips may be more likely to develop breast cancer, research suggests. 研究显示,妈妈屁股大,女儿更有可能患乳腺癌。 A study led by the University of Southampton found breast cancer rates were more than three times higher among women whose mothers had wide hips. 南安普顿大学的研究发现,妈妈的屁股比较大的女性,患上乳腺癌的机率要高出三倍。 Rates were more than seven times higher if those mothers had already given birth to one or more children. 如果大屁股妈妈已经生育过一胎或多胎,其女儿患乳腺癌的机率要高出七倍之多。 The researchers examined the records of more than 6,000 women born in Helsinki between 1934 and 1944. Of these 300 developed breast cancer, and 48 went on to die from the disease. 研究者以在1934至1944年之间出生的6,000多名赫尔辛基女性作为研究对象,这些人中有300人患上乳腺癌,48人死于这种疾病。 The study specifically linked a woman's chances of breast cancer to her mother's intercristal diameter. 研究明确了女性患乳腺癌的机率同她们妈妈的髋骨两端距离有关。 Women were at the greatest risk if their mother's intercristal distance was more than 30cm. 如果妈妈的髋骨宽度超过30厘米,她们的女儿患乳腺癌的风险最高。 The American Journal of Human Biology study suggests high levels of the sex hormone oestrogen are to blame. 《美国人类生物期刊》认为,雌激素荷尔蒙分泌过多是罪魁祸首。 And women with big hips are thought to have high levels of oestrogen. 一般认为女性屁股大与雌激素过高有关。 The researchers believe that breast cancer risk may be raised for a daughter during the first weeks of pregnancy if the embryo's developing breast tissue are exposed to particularly high levels of oestrogen circulating in the mother's blood. 研究者相信,在怀孕的头几个星期,胚胎的乳房组织发育会受到拥有较高的雌激素的母体的影响,因此这些胎儿将来患乳腺癌的风险就会增大。 The researchers said their work supported the hypothesis that wide, round hips reflect high levels of sex hormone production at puberty, which continue into adult life, and impact on the embryo during pregnancy. 研究者表示,他们的研究支持了医学界的假设,即拥有较大较圆屁股的女性,她们在发育时期以至成年时期体内的雌激素含量也较高,而这些在怀孕期间都会对胚胎造成影响。 Lead researcher Professor David Barker said: "A woman's hips are shaped at puberty when the growth of her hip bones is controlled by sex hormones, and also influenced by the level of nutrition. 该项研究的负责人大卫·巴克教授表示,女性的屁股大小在青春期发育成形,她们的髋骨的发育既与雌激素的分泌有关,也受到营养状况的影响。 Dr Lesley Walker, Cancer Research UK's director of cancer information, said: "The importance of oestrogen in stimulating the growth of breast cancer is well known. While this study appears to show an effect that crosses a generation we would need to see the results confirmed in follow-up studies." 英国研究癌症的一家机构的负责人莱斯利·沃克医生表示,雌激素与乳腺癌之间的关系已然确认,而这项新研究指出了雌激素对下一代的影响,这一定论仍需要进行更多的研究。 网友评论
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