

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年06月09日 11:21   英语点津
A baby orangutan laughs while being tickled, in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Scientists say they've traced the origin of laughter into humankind's evolutionary past。(Agencies)
A baby orangutan laughs while being tickled, in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Scientists say they've traced the origin of laughter into humankind's evolutionary past。(Agencies)

  When scientists set out to trace the roots of human laughter, some chimps and gorillas were just tickled to help。


  That's how researchers made a variety of apes and some human babies laugh. After analyzing the sounds, they concluded that people and great apes inherited laughter from a shared ancestor that lived more than 10 million years ago。

  科学家通过 “挠痒痒”这种方式来使不同种类的大猩猩和一些人类婴儿发出笑声。在分析了这些笑声之后,研究人员得出结论,人和大猩猩的笑声源自共同的祖先——他们生活在距今一千万年前。

  Experts praised the work. It gives strong evidence that ape and human laughter are related through evolution, said Frans de Waal of the Yerkes National Primate Research Center at Emory University in Atlanta。


  As far back as Charles Darwin, scientists have noted that apes make characteristic sounds during play or while being tickled, apparently to signal that they're interested in playing。


  It's been suggested before that human laughter grew out of primate roots. But ape laughter doesn't sound like the human version. It may be rapid panting, or slower noisy breathing or a short series of grunts。以前曾有观点认为人类的笑声是从灵长类祖先进化而来的。但猿的笑声与人类的听起来不同,它有可能是急促的喘息声、较为缓慢且带有噪音的呼吸声或是短暂的呼噜声。

  So what does that have to do with the human ha-ha? To investigate that, Marina Davila Ross of the University of Portsmouth in England and colleagues carried out a detailed analysis of the sounds evoked by tickling three human babies and 21 orangutans, gorillas, chimps and bonobos。


  After measuring 11 traits in the sound from each species, they mapped out how these sounds appeared to be related to each other. The result looked like a family tree. Significantly, that tree matched the way the species themselves are related, the scientists reported online yesterday in the journal Current Biology。


  They also concluded that while human laughter sounds much different from the ape versions, its distinctive features could well have arisen from shared ancestral traits。


  Jaak Panksepp of Washington State University, who studies laughter-like responses in animals but didn't participate in the new work, called the paper exciting。


  Panksepp's own work concludes that even rats produce a version of laughter in response to play and tickling, with chirps too high-pitched for people to hear。


  Robert Provine, a neuroscientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who wrote the book, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation, said the new paper reveals some important insights, like ape sounds that hadn't been appreciated before。



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