2009年06月10日 10:51 新浪教育
Here are details of some recent major plane crashes. 以下是最近发生过的空难详情: June 1, 2009 - An Air France plane flying from Brazil to Paris has gone missing over the Atlantic Ocean with 228 people on board and French officials fear a disaster has occurred。 2009年6月1日——一架载有228名乘客的法航班机在从巴西飞往巴黎的途中在大西洋上空失踪,法国官员担心这是一场灾难。 May 20, 2009 - An Indonesian C130 military transport plane carrying 110 passengers and crew crashes and bursts into flames 6.5 km (4 miles) from the Iswahyudi air force base in East Java while preparing to land, killing 98 people including two on the ground。 2009年5月2日——一架载有110名乘客和机组人员的印度尼西亚C130军用运输机在离东爪哇Iswahyudi空军基地6.5公里处准备着路时坠毁并起火燃烧,包括2名地面人员在内的98人死亡。 August 24, 2008 - A Boeing 737-200 belonging to a private Kyrgyz company Itek-Air, chartered by an Iranian company and bound for Iran, crashes at Bishkek airport. Around 70 people, including members of a local teenage basketball team, died。 2008年8月24日——一架属于吉尔吉斯私人航空公司Itek-Air的波音737-200飞机在被一家伊朗公司租用飞往伊朗的途中在比什凯克机场坠毁,包括一个当地青少年篮球队成员在内的大约70人死于这场空难。 August 20, 2008 - A Spanair MD-82, flying to the Canary Islands with 166 passengers and six crew, crashes on takeoff at Madrid airport killing 154 people. The remaining 18 are seriously injured。 2008年8月20日——一架载着166名乘客和6名机组人员准备飞往加纳列群岛的西班牙航空MD82型飞机在从马德里机场起飞时坠毁,154人死亡,幸存的18人严重受伤。 September 16, 2007 - One-Two-Go, a budget Thai airliner carrying 123 passengers and several crew crashes on landing at the resort island of Phuket. At least 85 of the 123 passengers were killed and five of the seven crew。 2007年9月16日——泰国低价航空公司One-Two-GO的一架载有123名乘客和数位机组人员的飞机在度假圣地普吉岛降落时坠毁。123名乘客中至少有85人遇难,7名机组人员中有5人死亡。 July 17, 2007 - A Brazilian TAM passenger plane crashes into buildings when trying to land in Sao Paulo, killing 199 people aboard and on the ground。 2007年7月17日——巴西TAM航空公司的一架客机在试图降落在圣保罗机场时冲入民居,造成机上与地面199人死亡。 May 5, 2007 - All 114 people on board a Kenya AirwaysBoeing 737 are killed after the plane crashed in torrential rain after takeoff from Douala in Cameroon en route to Nairobi。 2007年5月5日——肯尼亚航空的一架波音737飞机在从喀麦隆得杜阿拉飞往内罗毕的途中因暴雨坠毁,所有114名乘客死亡。 January 1, 2007 - An Indonesian Boeing 737-400 operated by budget carrier Adam Air disappeared from radar screens during a flight from Java to Sulawesi islands. Wreckage was located at sea 10 days later. All 102 passengers and crew were killed。 2007年1月1日——一架属于印度尼西亚廉价航空Adam Air的波音737-400飞机在从爪哇飞往苏拉威西岛的途中在雷达屏幕上消失。飞机残骸在10天后在海上被找到,102名乘客和机组人员全部罹难。 October 29, 2006 - A Boeing 737 operated by domestic carrier ADC, crashes after take off on a flight from Abuja to Sokoto. Only seven of the 106 people aboard the flight survived. Among the dead was Ibrahim Muhammadu, who as Sultan of Sokoto was the leader of the Muslim community。 2006年10月29日——一架属于尼日利亚国内航空公司ADC 的波音737飞机在阿布贾起飞飞往索科托后不久坠毁。机上106名乘客只有7人幸存,死者中有索科托穆斯林宗教领袖,苏丹穆罕默得·伊布拉希姆。 September 29, 2006 - One hundred and fifty-four people are killed when a Boeing 737-800 operated by low-cost Gol airline crashes in the Amazon rain forest。 2006年9月29日——巴西低价航空公司Gol的一架波音737-800飞机在亚马逊雨林坠毁,154人罹难。 August 22, 2006 - A Russian Tu-154 operated by Pulkovo Airlines crashes 30 miles north of the east Ukrainian town of Donetsk, killing all 170 passengers and crew。 2006年8月22日——一架俄罗斯普尔科沃航空公司的图-154飞机在乌克兰东部城市顿捏斯克以北30英里处坠毁,170名乘客与机组人员死亡。 网友评论
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