2009年06月11日 09:54 新浪教育
Nobody listens to you in the office or at home? A little potted friend will be there for you, always nodding to you with encouragement。 在办公室或家中无人听你倾诉吗?有位盆栽小友会在此陪伴你,它总是频频点头,给你鼓励。 The Pekoppa toy, which looks like a small plant just starting to sprout from a pot, flutters its two leaves or bends its stem as if it is reacting to someone who is speaking nearby。 这款名为Pekoppa的小玩具看上去像是一株刚刚从盆中冒出新芽的植物,轻轻摇摆着它的两片嫩叶,或是弯弯茎干,仿佛在向身边说话的人做出回应。 Japan's Sega Toys Co. Ltd. has already sold 50,000 of the toys over three months since it was launched in Japan in late September, company spokeswoman Minako Sakanoue said。 日本世嘉玩具有限公司发言人坂上美奈子称,这款玩具自从在日本上市以来,三个月内已经售出五万件。 The toy can serve as "a communication tool" for the young and old, she said。 她说,该玩具可谓老少咸宜的“沟通工具”。 "If you have no subordinates who would listen to your grumbling in the office or no children who would talk with you, Pekoppa will be by your side, gently nodding," she said。 “如果你没有下属在办公室里听你发牢骚,或是没有孩子与你谈心,Pekoppa会陪在你身边,温柔地点头示意。”她说。 Sakanoue said workers could also set the toy on their desks for encouragement as they make a sales pitch by telephone。 坂上表示,上班族也可以将它放在办公桌上,在进行电话营销时得到些许鼓励。 Pekoppa, literally meaning a nodding leaf in Japanese, is priced at 2,310 yen (26 dollars)。 Pekoppa在日语中意为“点头的叶子”,它的售价为2,310日元(合26美元)。 The company will release flower versions, called Hanappa, in early June in Japan, for 2,625 yen each。 公司还将推出花朵版,取名为Hanappa,售价2,625日元。 The toys use thin metal wires that move flexibly like muscles when sensing sound。 这款玩具使用了一种细金属线,当感应到声音时,就能像肌肉一样灵活地弯曲扭动。 网友评论
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