

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年06月16日 15:27   英语点津


  We have been doing business together for a long time and we value our relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want. The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed. This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our companies. In several instances, you have returned goods that were originally ordered. To solve the problem, I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it. If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it. I trust this system will cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly。

  承蒙多年惠顾,本公司感激万分。然近来合作出现问题,令服务水准未能另双方满意。贵公司采购部发出定单后,再三更改内容;更有甚者,屡次退回订购之货品,导致了双方公司工作中的混乱和困惑。为避免问题日趋严重,特此在接到定单后,由本公司销售人员与贵公司复核。若需作出改动,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供贵公司查核。 相信上述办法能减少延误,促进双方业务发展。


  Thank you for your equity of 25 August. We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical information regarding our software security systems. The fact is, that most of our competitors also keep such information private and confidential .I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way. If there is any other way in which we can help. Do not hesitate to contact us again。

  8月25日信收悉,谨此致谢。来信要求本公司提供有关软件保密系统的技术资料,但鉴于同行向来视该等资料为机密文件,本公司亦不便透露,尚祈见谅。我真诚地希望这样不会对贵公司造成不便。如需本公司协助其他事宜,欢迎随时赐顾垂询。 祝业务蒸蒸日上!


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