

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年07月06日 13:57   中国对外翻译出版公司

  Speech at the International Organizations Breakfast Meeting in Geneva

  By Mr. Yang Xiong

  Member of Shanghai 2010 World Expo National Organizing Committee

  Executive Deputy Director of Shanghai 2010 World Expo Executive Committee

  Vice Mayor of Shanghai

  May 18, 2006

  Distinguished Representatives,

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  Good morning!

  At this pleasant time of spring, I am greatly delighted to have this opportunity to meet here with you, representatives from international organizations, and brief you on the preparation progress of the Shanghai 2010 World Expo。

  Known as a grand gathering of the world in economy, culture, science and technology, the World Expo boasts a track record of more than 150 years. With its long-time focus on human communication and development, it has embodied people’s ideas and ideals, presented innovative experience and accomplishments, and enhanced cooperation and friendship among different countries. The World Expo shares commons goals with many international organizations。

  The 20st century will be an inportant period for urban evolution. The vision and perspectives concerning the future urban living are a common issue of global concern in which every nation has a stake, regardless of their level of development. The Shanghai 2010 World Expo will be the first registered international exhibition to be held in a developing country. Given its theme “Better City, Better Life”, Expo Shanghai is expected to be a forum for every exhibitor to showcase achievements in urban civilization, exchange experience for urban developments, and share advanced views on urban living, so as to explore brand-new models of human habitation, life and work in the new century and to provide vivid examples of building an ecologically harmonious society for the sustainable development of humankind。

  We understand that many of the international organizations represented here today have been working in areas closely related to the theme and sub-themes of Expo Shanghai, with abundant experience and a high international prestige. We strongly welcome the participation from all international organizations to demonstrate your innovative insights on the 21st century urban living and offer suggestions on the future development of cities around the world。

  Dear friends, The Chinese government has solemnly pledged to the international community to make Expo Shanghai a successful, splendid and unforgettable one. It is also a major priority for Shanghai municipality, the Expo organizer, in the next five years. We will make every effort to attract around 200 countries and international organizations as exhibitions and 70 million visitors from home and abroad to make the Shanghai 2010 World Expo a truly magnificent gathering。

  The planning of the Expo Park, located in central Shanghai on both banks of the Huangpu River, is now substantially complete and the construction of related infrastructure facilities in and out of the Park is well under way. We are confident that, with several years’ development, Shanghai will be able to provide adequate spaces for participating countries and international organizations to run exhibitions and cultural events, and to offer convenient, fast, safe and efficient services to all exhibitions and visitors, so that everyone can experience for themselves the Expo theme “Better City, Better Life”。

  Dear friends, we have now officially started to accept registration for participating in Shanghai 2010 World Expo. As of May 8th, 2006, 15 countries and 2 international organizations have confirmed their participation. We sincerely hope that more countries and international organizations will confirm with us soon and join our efforts to make Expo Shanghai a real forum for people from all over the world to share historical experience, insights and lessons, and visions of the future, and a platform for dialogue of equals, greater understanding and closer partnership among different countries。

  Thank you!



  主席,总理,部长级别用vice(president, chairman, premier, minister)

  主任,处长,科长级别用deputy(director, division chief, section chief)

  专业技术人员,如教授,研究员工,用associate(professor, researcher)

  2. 。原文的“被誉为,…。走过了…。”有两个动词,要将其中一个处理成非谓语;

  3. 第二句又是多个动词:关注,寄托,展示,促进”,想办法处理掉尽可能多的动词。将动词“关注”引导的分句处理成了一个介词短语;

  4. 习惯表达:不谋而合,share common goals/concerns with,比coincide with更强调一种主动分享与沟通的姿态,增加与演讲听众的心理互动。

  5。“全球性课题”并非真的指“课题,subject”,而是指“关注点”a issue of concern是很好的表达;


  We must give young people the feeling that they have a stake in the country’s future。我们必须让年轻人感觉到他们同国家的未来休戚相关。



  9。“我们知道”,understand这个词用法很广,和develop, part, delivery, practice这些万能词一样,尽管很简单,却很实用,这里就比know要恰当,还可用于很多场合,比如“弄清情势:to understand the situation

  10. “世博会主题”,既有主题,也包括副主题,所以需要译出来;



  11. “来上海世博会”,就是“参加上海世博会”,后面几个动词处理成了不定式。

  12。世界城市:cities around the world比world cities要地道。

  13。“举办一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会,是中国政府对国际社会的一项庄严承诺”,可以用it is 形式主语开头,也可以用不定式“to hold a …。”开头,但这两种句式都不如用“中国政府”做主语好,因为中国政府做主语,使句子重心放在中国政府,也就是世博会的举办国上面来,听众也马上抓到了这个重心,这是考虑到听众心理的一个高明的译法。

  14. “主要工作目标”有一个很好的英语单词对应,“priority”。

  15. 今后五年,具体到哪一年,不用于抽象的你年的情况下,用next five years。

  比较:in the coming years,强调未来的几年中,不具体指几年;

  In following years强调随后几年,不具体指几年

  16. “努力邀请200个左右的国家和国际组织参展,吸引海内外7000万人次游客前来参观,使2010年上海世博会真正成为一次伟大的聚会。”前两个分句有4个动词,想办法消灭。



  19. “上海将为参展的国家和国际组织提供充分的展示和文艺演出空间,将为各参展方和参观者提供方便、快捷、安全、高效的服务,让大家体会到“城市,让生活更美好”的世博会主题。”将散开的分句合起来,就要把内在逻辑串起来,用and, so that 串逻辑。因为第一层是并列关系,第二层是因果关系。

  20。截至,as of/by the end of,前面一个正式。







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