

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年07月06日 15:04   中国对外翻译出版公司

  在许多中国人的印象中,荷兰无非是飞利浦 约翰•克鲁伊夫、郁金香和木屐的故乡。在2010上海世博会上,我们要让全世界看到荷兰别样的风貌。


  荷兰国家馆冠名为“快乐街”,由建筑师兼艺术家John Körmeling操刀设计。整条街道排列成数字“8”(中国传统幸运数字)的形状。参观者可沿街观赏风格迥异的荷兰传统建筑,其中有格里特•里特维尔德和 杨•维尔斯设计的作品。



  海纳百川 有容乃大




  Many Chinese know the Netherlands as the home of Philips, Johan Cruijff, tulips and clogs. At the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, we will demonstrate that our country has far more to offer。

  Happy Street

  The Dutch pavilion, designed by architect/artist John Körmeling, is called ‘Happy Street’. It’s an entire street in the shape of the number eight, an auspicious number in Chinese culture. Visitors to the pavilion stroll along houses in different styles that represent Dutch architectural tradition, including designs by Gerrit Rietveld and Jan Wils。

  Better city, better life

  It is estimated that 55% of the world’s population will be living in cities by 2010. With the theme ‘Better city, better life’ Expo organisers have challenged participants to generate ideas for liveable cities in the 21st century. As a largely urbanised and densely populated country, the Netherlands has much to offer in this regard. The Dutch pavilion promotes sustainability, environment, and corporate social responsibility. It shows, for instance, the innovative ways in which Holland deals with space, energy and water。

  A small but significant global player

  With 16 million people living on an area of 41 thousand square kilometres the Netherlands is efficient and organised. At the World Expo we demonstrate that the Dutch are able to live below sea level and that our country is a global player in some fields as a result of creativity, innovation and wilfulness. The world’s first stock exchange and first multinational, for instance, were the work of the Dutch. Other examples include Dutch water management, Dutch masters such as Van Gogh and Rembrandt and, more recently, the success of architect Rem Koolhaas。

  Commercial orientation

  In terms of commerce as well as on other levels, the Dutch enjoy collaborating with others. We have been internationally orientated for centuries and value openness and accessibility. Amsterdam is home to more nationalities than any other city in the world and Dutch dredging companies and dike builders operate on a global scale。


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