2009年07月13日 09:27 新浪教育
Almost three-quarters of South Korean male office workers feel uncomfortable when female colleagues show too much leg or cleavage in the workplace, a survey has revealed。 调查显示,韩国近3/4的男性职员在工作场合看到女同事露太多大腿或者乳沟时,会感到不舒服。 A poll of 1,254 employees by the job portal site CareerNet found that 74 percent of men felt upset with the attire of their female co-workers。 招聘网站CareerNet对1254位职场人士进行了调查,结果发现,74%的男职员认为女同事的穿着让人不自在。 Some 56 percent of them cited micro-miniskirts as their chief complaint, while 51 percent objected to excessive cleavage。 大约56%的受访者称自己最痛恨超短迷你裙,另有51%的受访者反对露太多乳沟。 Low-rise trousers that reveal women's underwear, "killer heels" and flashy outfits in general were also cause for complaint。 露出女性内裤的低腰裤、杀人级高跟鞋,以及通身亮光闪闪的衣服都引起男职员的不满。 Women meanwhile complained mostly of stains on the shirts and ties of their male colleagues。 Both sexes disapproved of colourful underwear under a white top, slippers or sandals and sleeveless clothes。 与此同时,女职员们则主要对男同事衬衫和领带上有污渍表示不满。男女职员都反对穿白上衣的时候配花内衣,以及穿拖鞋、沙滩鞋或者无袖上衣。 South Koreans in general still dress conservatively in the workplace, with an emphasis on suits and ties among men。 总体来看,韩国职场穿着仍然很保守,男性主要还是穿衬衣打领带。 网友评论
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