2009年07月13日 16:00 新浪教育
Not only is vinegar good for descaling kettles, cleaning windows and pickling onions, but it seems that it could help you to keep the weight off, too。 醋的用处多多,不但能清除壶上的水垢、擦去玻璃窗上的污迹和拌洋葱,还可能帮你瘦身呢。 An old housewives' tale has it that cider vinegar is good for the waistline. The supermodels Cindy Crawford and Heidi Klum seem to be on to it too and have been known to take a swig of vinegar before a meal, believing that it helps them to maintain their figures. Researchers in Japan have now found some evidence that vinegar does, indeed, appear to have a fat-burning effect after all。 长久以来主妇间们流传着一个秘方:食用苹果醋可以让腰变细。超模辛迪·克劳馥和海蒂·克拉姆看来就是深谙此道,她们在每餐之前喝上一大口苹果醋,深信这样有助于保持曼妙身材。现在日本的研究者们发现了一些证据,表明醋确能起到燃烧体内脂肪的奇效。 Before you rush out to buy a bottle of Sarson's, it is worth noting that the scientists carried out their study on laboratory mice rather than on human beings. Nevertheless, they found that when the mice were fed a high-fat diet along with vinegar, they developed up to 10 per cent less body fat than mice that were fed a high-fat diet and just water. It seems that the acid in vinegar--acetic acid--switches on genes that make certain fat-burning enzymes spring into action, helping to suppress the accumulation of body fat。 请先别急着冲下楼买醋,有必要提醒您现在的研究成果还仅限于实验室而非我们人类。小白鼠们在享用了一顿高脂肪大餐后,那些边吃边佐以醋饮的小家伙们比边吃边喝点白开水的同伴们确实要少长点膘,差别最多可达10%。学者们觉得是醋里面的酸物质——醋酸——接通了小鼠体内的某些基因,这些基因转成许多专管燃烧脂肪的蛋白酶,而这些活跃的酶有助于抑制脂肪的堆积。 What's more, two other studies have shown that vinegar-taking mice also had lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure compared with those on water. Somewhat tantalisingly, Tomoo Kondo, from the Central Research Institute in Handa, Japan, reveals that further research, this time on people, also looks promising. It seems that subjects who were given 15ml of vinegar daily lost fat, particularly around their stomachs。 此外,喝醋对于小鼠们还有另两项好处。比起喝水的同伴来,喝醋的胆固醇水平和血压都要更低些。来自日本半田中央研究所的近藤君还做了更进一步的人体实验,其结果也很鼓舞人心。数据显示,每天摄入15毫升醋的受测者们都变瘦了,特别是在胃和腹部的位置。 Research has also shown that it takes the edge off appetite by slowing the speed at which our stomachs empty. This means that you probably eat less during a meal and feel full for longer after it, so you are less likely to snack in between meals. Thankfully, you need only about four teaspoons of vinegar to slow down stomach-emptying--an amount that can be found in a generous serving of French-style salad dressing. Lemon juice, which contains citric acid, has a similar effect, and it is likely that lime juice does as well。 研究还揭示了醋能减缓胃清空的速度,从而使人的食欲下降。这就意味着您可以正餐吃得少些,饱胀感却比以前维持得更久,因此不大会在两餐间忍不住大嚼零食了。谢天谢地,怕酸的人只需要喝下四调羹的醋就能起到减缓胃排空的效果,这点醋也就是一道普通的法式色拉的酱料的水平。能和醋媲美的还有柠檬汁,其中的柠檬酸也有和醋酸相似的效用。 The natural acids known as lactic and propionic acid, produced during the fermentation of sourdough breads, have also been shown to make people feel more full for longer and to reduce the rate of digestion compared with other breads, making Mediterranean-style diets, which often feature salad with a vinegar-based dressing and sourdough bread, particularly good for your waistline。 酸面包在发酵的过程中会产生的乳酸和丙酸,也能使食用的人有更久的饱胀感,和别的面包比起来,酸面包能减缓消化的速度。地中海风味的食谱,常常有一道用醋酱浇头的色拉和几片酸面包,因而对那些在意自己小蛮腰的女士来说特别值得推荐。 The bottom line is that adding vinegar, lemon or lime juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge. Just don't think that you will lose much weight by sprinkling extra vinegar on your chips。 退一步来讲,在饮食中添加醋、柠檬汁或酸橙汁无碍健康,还有助于瘦身。但请记得不要在你的薯条上狂洒酸醋,然后一厢情愿地等着体重降下来。 网友评论
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