2009年07月13日 16:17 沪江英语
For small business or even individuals, managing your public relations campaign may seem impossible. Don't ignore the many opportunities you have to get free coverage with your own PR campaign, though。 对于小公司或者个体户来说,运作公关活动似乎是不可能的。但是,不要浪费了你所特有的许多免费的公关机会。 1. Press Releases 新闻发布会 Any effective PR campaign is going to include press releases. When you have news about your company and products, write a press release and distribute it to the appropriate media outlets. Be sure you know how to write a press release because there is a big difference between advertising and public relations。 任何有效的公关活动都包括新闻发布会。如果你想发布任何关于公司或产品的信息,那就在一家合适的媒体发布新闻吧。但是要确保你知道如何写新闻发布会,因为广告和公共关系有很大的区别。 2. Press Kits 新闻资料箱 Your press kit, or media kit, is an invaluable tool you can use to promote your company. From trade shows to product launches, there are a number of good reasons you must create a press kit。 你的宣传资料袋,或媒体资料袋,都是你可以用来宣传公司的宝贵的工具。从贸易展会到产品发布会,都有很多的理由让你做一个宣传资料袋。 3. Use Your Blog 利用你的博客 Your corporate or employee blog is an excellent way to keep you visible to your customers. Making your blog a regular part of your public relations campaign gives you exposure to customers, journalists and it even provides you with word of mouth advertising。 公司或者职员的博客都是向顾客宣传公司的绝佳途径。将博客作为公关的一部分的话,可以让你更好的接触客户,记者,这样可以让你赢得不错的口碑。 4. Working With the Media 与媒体合作 Make no mistake. The media is not required to give you coverage. Public relations is your ability to get free publicity. Knowing how to work with the media will help you come off as a pro even if it's your first media event. You also want to develop a long-lasting relationship with the media so you can start to develop contacts in the industry as well。 不要犯错。媒体并没义务为你做新闻报道。这就要看你是否有让他们免费帮你宣传的公关能力了。即使你是第一次做媒体宣传活动,如果你知道该如何与他们合作的话,也可以让你成为一名出色的公关。你也需要和媒体保持长久合作的关系,以便日后你更好的发展业务联系。 5. Organizing Media Events 组织媒体活动 PR is more than blitzing the media with your press releases. Organizing media events is an outstanding way to get multiple media outlets to come to you and give you free exposure。 公关不仅是让媒体帮你发布新闻而已。组织媒体活动无疑可以让你获得更多的媒体支持,也免费增加了你的公众曝光率。 Be creative when coming up with ideas. Just because you have a news conference doesn't mean the media will show up. A groundbreaking ceremony with a local celebrity or other prominent figure to address the crowd increases your chances of getting publicity over the same event with just you and your employees sticking some shovels in the ground. If you're working with a children's charity to raise money, the media will be more likely to show up if you're hosting a fun event like snow skiing in summer for the children who the charity helps rather than you just filling out a check to hand over to the director of the charity。 在出主意的时候要有创新。媒体不会因为你一有想法就帮你发布。邀请当地名人或其他名人一起参加公司的破土典礼,和仅仅与你们公司的职员动一动铲子相比较而言,加入这样的活动可以增加你的公众知名度。如果你是想通过赞助儿童慈善机构来获取更多的利益,那么不要仅仅开一张支票给慈善机构的老板了事,多为儿童举办一些如夏季滑雪这样的运动才可以更好的吸引媒体。 6. Learn Crisis Management 学习危机管理 You can learn crisis management from corporate giants because not every aspect of public relations is going to be pleasant. You may have to deal with product recalls, lawsuits or even deaths of employees while on the job, for example. The numerous possibilities of what can go wrong are something you have to be prepared for before they happen. You can't anticipate everything that can occur but you can learn effective crisis management to prepare you for the future。 你可以从公司巨头哪里学到危机管理,因为并非所有的公关都会有愉快的结果。比如说,你或许会处理产品回收,诉讼,甚至是工作中员工的伤亡。你要提前做好一切可能出错的对策。你不能预测会发生什么,但那时你可以学习如何有效的管理危机,为将来做好万全的准备。 网友评论
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