2009年07月16日 17:20 Reuters
![]() 哈利波特
《哈利波特与混血王子》是《哈利波特》系列影片的第六部,片中融合了浪漫、魔幻以及喜剧等元素。影片收到了如潮的好评,数百家影院的首映门票已经售罄。 作者J.K。罗琳的哈利波特系列小说已经卖出了四亿多本,而根据这些小说改编而成的《哈利波特》系列电影已在全球票房赚到45亿美元。 根据最後一部小说改编的终结版于5个月前开拍,将在一年内完成。影片分上下两集。《哈利波特与死亡圣器》(上)预计在2010年底首映,下集则将在2011年与观众见面。 导演大卫叶茨最近接受采访时说:“人们觉得《哈利波特与混血王子》很好,但实际上我觉得你们还什麽都没看到。” 他执导了《哈利波特》系列的第五部和第六部,并正在执导终结版。 NEW YORK (Reuters) - The sixth "Harry Potter" film opens on Wednesday and is likely to be another hit for the boy wizard series, but with filming started on the finale, British director David Yates says "you haven't seen anything yet." "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," in which romance, magic and comedy collide as teenage hormones rage at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has received rave reviews and already sold out hundreds of theaters for its opening day。 Based on author British author J.K. Rowling's seven novels, which have sold more than 400 million copies, the film franchise has so far raked $4.5 billion worldwide for Warner Bros. studio, which is owned by Time Warner Inc。 The series finale is being split into two movies for which filming began five months ago and is due to finish in about a year. Part one of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is due out in late 2010 and part two is planned for release in 2011。 "People are being very kind about what they're seeing in 'Half-Blood Prince' and I just think you haven't seen anything yet," Yates, who directed "Harry Potter" five and six and is helming the final two, said in a recent interview。 "(Part one) is like a road movie, refugees being chased by all these people who want to kill them. It's quite intense," he said. "Then the final film is like this big opera, big epic, it's got more set pieces than any of the others." "It's fights and dragons and battles," he said. "It's a real rollercoaster, but with a really oddly uplifting end." 网友评论
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