2009年07月20日 12:01 TV.com
作为最具权威的美国电视界奖项,艾美在近年来却屡遭各界抨击。偏心的提名和奖项归属都让人怀疑其公正性。这不第61届艾美奖提名出炉之际,便又有人跳出来列出了艾美奖的十大罪状。 《我为喜剧狂》和《广告狂人》,可以适可而止了
1。给《我为喜剧狂》和《广告狂人》的优待,可以适可而止了 《我为喜剧狂》在“最佳喜剧编剧”的五个提名里头拿了四个,剩下一个给了《弦乐航班》,估计也是拿上去凑份儿用的,那给了还不如不给呢。《迷失》也一样——《广告狂人》在“最佳剧情片编剧”里也是抢了五个次席中的四个。还让不让别的剧活了?! 1. 30 Rock and Mad Men Special Treatment: It Needs To Stop Did you know that 30 Rock was nominated for 4 of the 5 spots in the "Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Series" category? The one-timer, Flight of the Conchords, might be ecstatic under any other circumstances, but these odds are almost insulting. Lost got the same underhanded snub -- Mad Men got 4 of the 5 nominations in "Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series." Give other shows a chance。 一大堆吃了闭门羹的优秀演员
2。一大堆吃了闭门羹的优秀演员 Kyle Chandler、Connie Britton、Kristen Schaal、Rhys Darby、Alexander Skarsgard、Elizabeth Mitchell、Jeremy Davies、January Jones、Marcia Gay Harden、Tate Donovan……等等等等。还要报下去伐?还有,Shatner老大,您就歇一年不行么您? 2. Acting Snubs No Kyle Chandler or Connie Britton from Friday Night Lights. Kristen Wiig over Kristen Schaal? No Rhys Darby? No Alexander Skarsgard for Generation Kill? No Elizabeth Mitchell, Jeremy Davies, January Jones, Marcia Gay Harden or Tate Donovan? Do we need to go on? And seriously Shatner, take a year off, will ya? 《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》艾美提名开空窗
3。《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》艾美提名开空窗 几乎所有电视界的评论都有说,《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》是目前最棒的剧情片之一。那么咱来猜猜看5年播出实践中主要艾美奖提名它拿过几次?居然是个大鸭蛋!(只拿了技术、编剧、导演之类的边角料提名)。但是人家演员阵容出众,是小屏幕上能看到的最举足轻重、最扣人心弦、最恰到好处的电视剧之一了。哦,好吧,它是科幻片。人家给艾美投票的呢,也不把科幻片当回事儿的。与时俱进一点好伐,伙计们。 3. Battlestar Galactica: Where No Emmy Has Gone Before! Just about every single critic has, at some point, called Battlestar Galactica one of the best dramas on television. So guess how many major Emmy nominations it will walk away with in its five-year run -- a big fat ZERO (it has been nominated for technical awards, as well as the writing and directing categories). The cast is excellent and it's one of the most important, gripping, relevant shows television has seen in... well, ever. Oh but it's sci-fi, and Emmy voters don't take sci-fi seriously. Time to grow up, guys。 22个提名送给《我为喜剧狂》不嫌多啊?
4.22个提名送给《我为喜剧狂》不嫌多啊? 蒂娜·菲和亚历克·鲍德温都很搞笑,很有才。Jane Krakowski、Tracy Morgan和Jack McBrayer也一样。但是他们真的就那么前无古人、后无来者那么出色么?没哪部喜剧片拿过22个艾美提名的,《我为喜剧狂》也没好到这份儿上——不过说白了选择余地也比较少就是了。 4. 30 Rock: Twenty-Too Many Nominations Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin are funny people. Jane Krakowski, Tracy Morgan and Jack McBrayer are, too. But are they all really the record-breaking, all-time funniest people? Ever? No comedy has ever been nominated for 22 Emmys. 30 Rock shouldn't be, either -- but there's not much else out there to choose from。 网友评论
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