2009年07月20日 13:47 中国对外翻译出版公司
世博志愿者英语:在园区提供向导服务 第四课:周边特色景点及交通线路 Lesson 4 Local Scenic Spots and Transportation 情景模拟 一位外国游客来到参观者服务点。 Setting: A visitor comes to the Visitor Service Center。 A:您好,请问有什么能为您服务吗? A: Hello, what can I help you? B:我晚上准备去东方明珠广播电视塔,请问从园区怎么去? B: I’d like to go to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower tonight. How can I get there from the Expo Park? A:您可以从园区的1号口附近的地铁乘坐点,乘坐4号线至世纪大道站,出站步行5分钟即可到达。或者可以乘坐观光巴士3号线至东方明珠站下车。 A: You can go to the subway station near the No. 1 Gate of the Park and take Line 4 to the Central Avenue station. After getting out of the station, you can walk 5 minutes’ and get there. Or you can take the No.3 travelling bus and get off at the Oriental Pearl TV Tower stop。 B:非常感谢,请问东方明珠广播电视塔开放至几点? B: Thank you very much. When is it closed? A:开放至晚上9点整,祝您玩得愉快! A: It closes at 9 o’clock in the evening. Have a nice trip! B:谢谢! A: Thank you! 网友评论
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