2009年07月21日 14:26 沪江英语
Recently, I was asked how someone knows whether or not they are suited for a position in management. What do they need to know? What skills do they need to have? 最近,有人问我怎样才能知道一个人是否适合管理的职位?他们需要知道什么?他们需要有哪些技能? Let's start with a Letterman-like top ten list. Then I will list some key skills and abilities that help anyone be a better manager。 让我们从最优秀的十点开始吧。然后我会列出一些技巧,参照这些技巧的话,任何人都可以成为一位优秀的经理。 Top 10 Clues That You Are Management Material 10项你适合当管理层的证明 And the number one clue you are management material – 能证明你适合当管理层的第一准则: 1. You enjoy having people despise you just for doing your job。 你喜欢别人轻视你的工作。 2. Your favorite horror writer is Tom Peters 你最爱的恐怖作者是Tom Peters 3. On Halloween you dress up as Alex P. Keating 在万圣节,你穿得像Alex P. Keating。 4. Your favorite cocktail is milk of magnesia 你最喜欢的鸡尾酒是镁乳。 5. You don't think 'plan' is a four-letter word 你不觉得计划是低俗的字眼 6. You have always been something of a loner 你总是不合群的那个 7. You like 'sweating the small stuff' 你喜欢欺负弱小 8. Work fascinates you - you can sit and watch it for hours 工作使你着迷,你可以坐着不动连续工作好几个小时 9. You have no trouble telling others what to do 你喜欢对别人颐指气使。 10. You like not doing anything 你喜欢无所事事 网友评论
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