2009年07月21日 14:40 华尔街日报
![]() 工作需要好身体
Mr. Kelly is the only person in the NYPD to go from police cadet to commissioner. He was at the helm of the department during the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and is credited with building one of the most successful local counter-terrorism units in the U.S. 'This is a full-time, total immersion job,' Mr. Kelly says. 'But I still need to make time to work out, whether that's at 6:30 a.m. or in the evening.' 凯利是纽约市警察局中唯一一个从警察学院学生成为警长的人。1993年世贸中心发生爆炸时,他担任纽约市警长,被认为是建立了美国最成功的地方反恐部门之一的功臣。他说,这是一份全天候、全浸入的工作,不过我仍然要抽出一些时间健身,无论是在早上六点半还是在晚上。 The Workout锻炼: On average, Mr. Kelly works out four days a week for at least an hour at a time. Mr. Kelly learned the fundamentals of strength training during his Marine Corps service. He now follows a dedicated weight routine that his wife has described in the past as 'borderline addictive.' He uses both free weights and strength machines, and does five sets of each exercise. Repetitions vary depending on the weight and how he feels that day。 Mr. Kelly's workout weakness: 'I don't stretch enough,' he says. 'I know I should do it more, and I'd like to do yoga, but I just don't have time.' 凯利平均每周锻炼四天,每次至少锻炼一个小时。凯利在海军陆战队服役期间学到了力量训练的基础知识。现在,他坚持进行一套专门设计的举重练习,过去他妻子形容这是“边缘成瘾症”。他既使用自由重量器材,又使用力量器械,每次练习做五组动作。重复的次数根据所举重量和他当天的身体状况而定。 凯利说,年纪越大,保持好身材就越难。他锻炼中的不足之处是“伸展练习做得不够”。”我知道应该多做些这方面的锻炼,而且我喜欢做瑜珈,但我没有时间。” The Diet饮食: Mr. Kelly usually eats a bowl of cereal, such as Wheaties or Raisin Bran, with a piece of fruit before working out in the morning. For lunch, if he isn't eating out for work, he buys a tuna fish sandwich from a nearby deli. His wife is the cook in the family and often prepares healthful dinners such as fish or chicken with a vegetable. Mr. Kelly tries to stay away from dessert and limits his intake of bread. 'It's hard, though,' he says. 'There is always food around the office.' 凯利通常在晨练之前喝一碗麦片粥(如Wheaties牌或Raisin Bran牌)配一片水果。至于午饭,如果不是因为工作的缘故在外面吃,那么他会从附近的熟食店买一份金枪鱼三明治。他妻子在家里负责做饭,通常会做健康晚餐,如鱼或鸡肉搭配一种蔬菜。凯利尽量远离甜点,并限制面包的摄入量。“但这很难”,他说。“办公室里总是到处有吃的。” 网友评论
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