2009年07月21日 14:49 沪江英语
Earlier, we did a Letterman-like top ten list - How To Tell If You Are Management Material. Here are some key skills and abilities that help anyone be a better manager。 上次,关于如何辨别你是否适合当管理层,我们做了一个类似关于优秀运动员的十点证明。 接下来我们继续讲解一些关键的技能和能力,以帮助大家成为一名优秀的经理。 Need For Good Managers Increasing 对优秀经理的需求正在增长 The need for good managers is not going away. It is intensifying. With ‘flatter’ organizations and self-directed teams becoming common; with personal computers and networks making information available to more people more quickly; the raw number of managers needed is decreasing. However, the need for good managers, people who can manage themselves and others in a high stress environment, is increasing。 对优秀的经理的需求有增无减。虽然,随着“奉承”机构和自我管理团队越来越普遍,电脑和网络让信息更快、更广泛的传播,对经理的需求正在减少。然而,对优秀经理,也就是那些能够在高压环境下很好的管理自己和别人的经理的需求却是有增无减。 I believe anyone can be a good manager. It is as much trainable skill as it is inherent ability; as much science as art. Here are some things that make you a better manager: 我相信每个人都可以是一位优秀的经理。虽然这是天生的能力,但也是可以培养的。以下几点能让你成为一位优秀的经理 As a person: 为人上 1.You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are happy with who you are, but you are still learning and getting better。 要对自己以及自己的能力有自信。你对自己很满意,但你还是要继续学习,并做到更好。 2.You are something of an extrovert . You don’t have to be the life of the party, but you can’t be a wallflower . Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people。 性格外向。你不必是聚会的中心,但是你也不能当局外人。管理是一种人际技巧,对于不喜欢交际的人来说是不适合的。 3.You are honest and straight forward. Your success depends heavily on the trust of others。 真诚、直接。你的成功很大程度上是依靠别人对你的信赖。 4.You are an includer not an excluder. You bring others into what you do. You don’t exclude other because they lack certain attributes。 你是一位包容者而不是排斥者。是你将别人带入你正在做的事情中的,不要因为别人缺乏一定的特性就排除他们。 5.You have a ‘presence’. Managers must lead. Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room。 你一定要出场。经理必须起到带头作用。令人印象深刻的领导者都有在他进入一个房间后能够引起别人的注意的特质。 On the job: 工作上 6.You are consistent, but not rigid; dependable, but can change your mind. You make decisions, but easily accept input from others。 你的立场是坚定的,但是并不刚硬。你是可靠的,但也可以改变你的注意。你做出决策,但是也能接受别人的意见。 7.You are a little bit crazy. You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don’t apologize for having tried。 你有一点热血。你的思维不拘于世俗,你敢于尝试新事物,即使失败了,你也会勇敢的承认自己的错误,但是不会因为做出了这样的尝试而道歉。 8.You are not afraid to “do the math”. You make plans and schedules and work toward them。 你不怕做计算。你做出计划,进度表,并根据他们分配工作。 9.You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty。 你是思维敏捷,能够很快的根据情况改变对策,但是你并不轻率,随心所欲。 10.You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded。 你将信息视作可利用的工具,而不是藏起来的权力。 11.Take a look at yourself against this list. Find the places where you can improve and then get going. And , if you need help, remember that's what this site is all about - Helping new managers get started and experienced managers get better。 对照这份表格审视一下自己。找出你能改进的地方,然后付诸行动。并且,如果你需要帮助的话,记住我们的网站---帮助新经理开始以及有经验的经理做得更好。 网友评论
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