2009年07月22日 13:59 takepart.com
三百年一遇的日全食,你看到了没有?是不是被阴雨天打乱?是不是在办公室小格子里忙着没工夫看?这里推荐的十部外太空题材科幻片,也许可以一解你的遗憾之情。 ![]() 第1名:星际迷航
1) 《星际迷航》从儿时看的动画片,到之后的电影版,《星际迷航》都已经超越了一步太空科幻片这么单纯的意义。 Star Trek (all of them) - So, without a doubt, there are a lot better movie about space, but Star Trek and it’s movies, all of them, carry such an important political message that I can’t help but put it at number 1. There isn’t another show/movie that explores our responsibility as explorers and personal responsibility vs. duty as well. Also, for the most part all of the movies are actually really good - The Wrath of Khan, First Contact, The Undiscovered Country and The Voyage Home just to name a few。 ![]() 第2名:飞向太空
2) 《飞向太空》前苏联大师级的制作,经典中的经典。还有就是,说道探索太空,怎么也要留下前苏联的足迹。 Solaris - Andrei Tarkovksy makes a space movie - enough said. But if you want more, Solaris explores how we view love, humanity and our own consciousness. It’s phenomenal. Plus on a space list, you have to have at least one Russian film… ![]() 第3名:2001太空漫游
3) 《2001太空漫游》堪称创世之作的科幻片鼻祖,那段开场音乐可谓无人不知无人不晓啊。 2001 : A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick makes a space movie - enough said. Of course though, this film is amazing, boasts one of the most familiar musical sequences/music and has inspired countless other films。 ![]() 第4名:第三类接触
4) 《第三类接触》史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格这些年的电影可能都不咋滴,但想当年这部的选角确实出彩。 Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Steven Spielberg may be one of my least favorite directors these days, but lucky for him Francois Truffaut is one of my favorite - and with Close Encounters Spielberg did something right in casting Truffaut in a small, but key role. Also, I have to admit the movie is pretty good… 网友评论
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