

http://www.sina.com.cn 2009年07月22日 15:09   英语点津
U.S. President Barack Obama throws out the first pitch at the 2009 MLB All-Star Game at Busch Stadium on July 14, 2009 in St Louis, Missouri. US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. (Agencies)
U.S. President Barack Obama throws out the first pitch at the 2009 MLB All-Star Game at Busch Stadium on July 14, 2009 in St Louis, Missouri. US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. (Agencies)

  US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion。

  "Here's my attitude. Michelle, she looks fabulous. I'm a little frumpy," Obama laughed in an interview with NBC。

  He was defending himself after the US fashion police let out howls of horror over the so-called old-fashioned "Dad jeans" that the president wore to throw the first pitch at a Saint Louis baseball match last week。

  "I hate to shop. Those jeans are comfortable. And for those of you who, you know, want your president to, you know, look great in his tight jeans, I'm sorry, I'm not the guy," he shrugged。

  And he admitted that he would not be caught dead in any "low-rider" jeans. "Sorry ... it just doesn't fit me. I'm not 20," he said ruefully。

  The president of the United States also admitted that "basically, up until a few years ago, I only had four suits."

  First Lady Michelle Obama, who has swiftly become a fashion icon for her style and elegance, "used to tease me because they'd get really shiny," he added。









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