2009年07月28日 14:07 沪江英语
While the recession has been tough on U.S. workers in a variety of ways, it hasn't damaged relationships in the workplace。 尽管经济衰退使得在美国工作的人各方面都遭受影响,但是这并没有影响工作中友好的人际关系。 A new survey reveals that 87% of professionals have good relationships with their bosses, and 95% get along well with their coworkers. The results of the survey, developed by the financial staffing firm Accountemps, were approximately the same as those in 2005, when the economy was much healthier。 一份最新的调查显示,87%的职场人士和其上司保持良好的关系,而95%的人能和同事友好相处。由Accountemps公司财务部调查的这份报告,其结果与经济危机更严重的2005年的大致相似。 "People make work relationships a priority in good times and bad," says Katherine Spencer Lee, a district president for Robert Half International, the parent company of Accountemps. "In the current economy, we see people pulling together, empathizing with the work and personal challenges their colleagues are facing, and doing what they can to help." 国际罗伯海夫公司,Accountemps所率属的总公司,其区域总裁Katherine Spencer Lee说:“不管是在经济危机时期还是经济好的时候,人们都是将工作上的人际关系当作第一优先事项对待。即使是在目前的经济形势下,人们仍然相互扶持,对同事所遇到的私人问题或工作问题感同身受,并尽自己最大的可能去帮助这些同事渡过难关。” Boosting Job Security 增加了工作的安全性 She also points to a "we're in this together" mentality that is helping teams accomplish more with fewer supporting resources。 她还指出,抱着“我们在一起”的这种心态,有利于公司团队即使在只有很少的资源后盾的情况下,也能完成更多的任务。 Experts say that being a person whom others like to work with makes you more valuable to an organization. Thus maintaining good relationships on the job must be a priority today -- especially when managers may have to reduce personnel。 专家说,如果你让别人喜欢和你共事的话,你在组织的存在价值就更高。因此,在目前,尤其是经理正打算裁员的情况下,在工作上保持良好的人际关系也必须是第一优先事项。 Kathy Condon, executive coach and author of "It Doesn't Hurt to Ask: It's All About Communication," says, "When you are the employee who is known for carrying your own load, getting along well with others and asking appropriate questions, you are more likely to be moved to the 'safe list.'" Accountemps公司的企业顾Kathy Condon在其著作中声称:“如果你能独立完成自己的工作任务,并能和其他同事友好相处,在适当的时机提问适当的问题,你就最有可能位居安全员工列表中。” What You Can Do 你可以做什么 Employees can nurture and improve their relationships on the job by following these tips: 员工可参照以下小贴士培养并提高自己的人际交往技巧: 1.Take on challenges outside your job description. "Proving yourself to be someone who can be counted on when the chips are down will help strengthen the bond with your manager," says Spencer Lee。 接受工作职责范围以外的挑战。Spencer Lee说:“使自己成为在紧急关头别人能依靠的人,这能使你与经理的关系更加稳定。” 2.Adjust your work style and communication efforts to better mirror those of your boss。 调整你的工作作风和沟通能力以彰显你的上司在这些方面的成就。 3.Be a resource. "Volunteering to help colleagues is key," says Spencer Lee, "and gestures such as offering praise in a public setting and forwarding news articles of interest can go a long way toward enhancing work relationships." 成为一个智囊团。“自愿帮助同事是关键。在公共场所表扬别人,讲一些大家都感兴趣的新闻等,这些途径都大大有助于提高工作中的人际关系。” 4.Ask questions when you are unsure about what another person is saying. "People often do not have the same definition for a particular word or concept," says Condon。 当你没明白别人说什么的时候,就向他提问。Condon说: “通常情况下,人们对于一个特定的词或内容都不会使用相同的解释。” 5.Check in with your boss frequently. "Ask how you can help meet certain goals or fuel special projects," say Kevin and Jackie Freiberg, authors of "BOOM! 7 Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business as Usual." "Check in on your boss's major stressors and find ways to be helpful." 经常和你的上司核对一下绩效。“问问他对于达到团队的既定目标或推动特别项目的进程,你该如何贡献自己的力量。” Kevin和 Jackie Freiberg在其合著中如是称:“找出你上司烦恼之所在,并想办法去帮他解决。” 6.Reach out. The Freibergs recommend having lunch with colleagues from different part of the company. "Set goals, try and meet or reconnect with one new person a week." 扩大你的交际圈。弗赖推荐与公司不同部门的同事共进午餐。他说:“设立一个目标,每个星期结识一位新同事,和他搞好关系。” 7.Maintain your poise during challenging times. Rolling your eyes or complaining about your job can hurt your effectiveness in the eyes of coworkers or bosses. "Negativism is highly contagious in work settings," says Mary Lloyd, consultant and author of "Supercharged Retirement." 在经济危机时期也要保持镇定。翻白眼或四处抱怨你的工作只会毁坏你在上司和同事心目中的印象。职业顾问Mary Lloyd 在其著作中提到“在工作场所消极的情绪是会高度传染的”。 网友评论
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