2009年07月29日 13:11 沪江英语
Job certifications used to be the domain of trade and technical school graduates. Now, industries such as health care, education, technical communications, and career counseling are increasingly relying on certified professionals with specialized training. With unemployment rates rising, having that certification could mean the difference between getting a job and collecting unemployment。 过去,职业证书只是在贸易毕业生和技校毕业生中占主导地位。现如今,像医疗,教育,技术通讯,职业辅导等行业也越来越重视通过专业培训所获得的专业证书。随着失业率的增长,是否持有职业证书就意味着就业与失业的区别。 The good news? You can get certified for any of these careers online. Tackling online courses means flexible hours -- a great way to hang on to your current job. Some courses take just 30 days, putting you on the way to a more secure, lucrative career。 好消息是?你可以在网上获得这些职业的证书。选择在线教程意味着灵活的上课时间,这是和你目前的工作不冲突的最好的方法。有的课程只要30天,就可以让你的职业生涯处于更有保障,更有利的位置。 1.Technical Writer 技术编程员 With a bachelor's degree in communications, you may be just three courses away from earning $60,240 per year as a technical writer, according to the Society for Technical Communication (STC). Technical communicators are involved at all stages of product development, effectively structuring information and instructions to be accessible to anyone。 根据STC的调查,在通讯行业的就职者如果有学士学位,再参加技术编程员的三门课程培训,年薪就可以达到$60,240。技术通讯员可以参与产品开发的各个阶段,有效的编写任何人都明了的信息和指示。 Tom Gorski, director of communication for the STC, says an aptitude for technical information about computers, health, or finance is helpful. However, to gain an extra edge on the approximately 300,000 writers the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report being in the employment pool, you may want to get certified through a distance learning course in technical writing。 Tom Gorski是STC通讯部门的主管,他说,在电脑,健康或者财政方面有天赋是很有利的。但是,如果你看到BLS的报告,想成为大约300,000编程员的中的一员的话,那你就会想通过远程培训获得一个技术编程员的证书。 2.Career Coach 职业教练 Coaching is one of the top home businesses of the century, according to Will Craig, founder of the Coach Training Alliance. As an unprecedented number of businesses downsize, the demand for career coaches who can develop strategies for those seeking a "Plan B" is growing. These professionals assist clients with planning and goal-setting and manage their progress as they seek a new career。 教练培训同盟的创建者Will Craig认为教练是本世纪最热门的上门生意之一。由于目前的企业的数量出现了空前的锐减,故而对能够为拯救企业出谋划策的职业教练的需求正大量增加。专业教练会在客户求职过程中帮助他们设立目标,制定计划,并监督他们的执行进程。 Prospective coaches can choose from a variety of self-paced certification programs. Some start seeing clients immediately as part of their training hours. Completion times vary but, on average, are between six months to two years。 想获得教练资格证书的话,有很多培训都可以参加。有的甚至在培训期间就开始发展客户。虽然完成时间不同,但是大概都需要六个月到两年的时间。 The International Coaching Federation (IFC) reports that certified coaches who gain additional IFC credentials earned an average yearly income of more than $65,000. Though not necessary to practice, this additional accreditation can add approximately $20,000 to your annual salary, according to the IFC。 据国际教练同盟报道,专业教练如果同时持有IFC的信任状的话,年收入可达$65,000之多。虽然没有计算的必要性,但是根据IFC的统计,这份信任状可为你每年的年收入增加$20,000。 3.Physical Therapist Aide 物理治疗师助理 Thanks to aging Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers, demand for professional physical therapist aides will rise 29 percent by 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you have a high school diploma and good people skills, earning this health care certification can take as little as six months. The BLS reports that physical therapist aides can expect to earn an average of $23,760 annually。 根据劳工局的统计数据显示,由于婴儿潮时期出生的人已经迈向老年和中青年的关系,对专业物理治疗师的需求到2012年将增长29%。如果你有高中毕业证书,并有良好的人际交往技能,那么你获得此证只需花六个月的时间。BLS报道声称物理医疗师助理的平均年薪预计是$23,760。 4.ESL Instructor ESL讲师 Teaching adults to speak, read, and write English as a second language (ESL or ESOL) requires no prior knowledge of another language, but you'll gain exposure to the rapidly growing mix of foreign-born residents who will be seeking English instruction over the next five years, according to BLS estimates。 根据BLS统计,教成年人二外---英语的听说读写,并不需要了解另一门语言,但是你需要明白居住在国外的居民对英语指导的需求将在未来5年内迅速增长。 If you have an undergraduate degree in education, online programs in ESL/Bilingual/TESOL are available through many colleges and universities that offer online programs. The BLS reports that ESL teachers can earn an average of almost $44,000 per year。 如果你持有大学肄业证书,就可以通过参加由多所大学提供的在线英语/双语课程培训来获得讲师证书。BLS报告声称ESL讲师平均可获得$44,000的年薪。 5.Medical Records and Health Information Technician 医疗记录和健康信息技术员 The prospects for this sector of the health-care industry are hot, and the BLS expects a jump of 18 percent over the next seven years as medical tests and procedures come under the eagle eye of insurance companies and consumers. Technicians gather and process patients' health information for charts and forms by working closely with doctors and other health-care professionals but often have little interaction with patients。 在医疗行业对该职位的需求很迫切的,BLS预计在接下来的7年内,因金融公司和客户对医疗行业的测试和相关程序的密切关注,对该职位的需求将会有18%的跳跃性增长。医疗记录和健康信息技术员收集、处理病人的健康信息,并将其整理为图标的格式,他们与医生,医疗专家密切合作,但是和病人却很少打交道。 A two-year degree program at a community or junior college schools candidates in medical terminology , anatomy and physiology , and legal aspects of health information. Once certified, technicians can draw a median annual wage of $28,030, says the BLS。 BLS声称,如果一位候选人参加社区或大专学校的为期两年,有关医疗术语,解剖学,生理学,健康的法学等方面的学位课程,只要他获得了学位证书,他的平均年薪将增长为$28,030。 Many of these online programs offer financial aid to those who qualify. So, setting yourself apart in a sea of competitors is simply a matter of earning that certification -- a paper in your hand that translates to money in your pocket。 很多在线教程都为合格的培训生提供学费资助。所以,获得证书是让你自己在其他竞争者中间脱颖而出的最简单的方法,而握有这一纸证书在手就意味着将有无数的金钱到手了。 网友评论
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