2009年08月07日 15:39 沪江英语
Getting a rejection letter is a painful part of job hunting, but at least it means you’ve been noticed. These days, I’ve been hearing about more job hunters who respond to online job postings, only to hear nothing back from the company. Ever。 虽然在求职过程中收到一封拒绝信很痛苦,但至少能证明你引起别人的注意了。很多时候,我都听说很多求职者在网上投出简历,但是从来都得不到任何反馈。 Was the position filled? Is the company just taking a long time to fill it? Did the hiring manager even see the application? You may never know。 是该职位招到人了吗?是否该公司花了很多时间来填补这个职位空缺?招聘经理看到过你的求职申请了吗?你可能永远都不知道。 Many recruiters and hiring managers do let applicants know where their online applications stand. (At a minimum, companies should set up an automated response system。) But before you get too angry at companies that ignore you, consider what they are up against。 很多招聘人员和经理确实会让求职者知道他们在网上申请的职位是什么。(至少,公司会设立自动回复系统)。但是在你为了公司忽视你而发怒之前,先稍微为他们想想吧。 First, the Internet has made it absurdly easy to apply for jobs. This means that unqualified people are clogging the system with their wing-and-a-prayer applications。 首先,网络使得求职申请异常简单。这就意味着总有不合格的人带着碰运气的心态将他们的求职信塞满了招聘系统。 Then add rising numbers of unemployed people. More job seekers — qualified, unqualified and desperate — are hitting the send button. Acknowledgments are going by the wayside as recruiters confront hundreds of applications for a single job。 然后还有越来越多的失业者。更多的求职者,不管是合格的还是不合格的,都在点击发送的按钮。因为同一职位的求职申请太多,招聘人员就不会再给上百个求职者回感谢信了。 In fact, organizations received 75 percent more applications, on average, in the first half of 2009, compared with the same period in 2008, according to a survey by the Corporate Executive Board, a network of executives and a research company. Todd Safferstone, managing director of the company’s Recruiting Roundtable, said that one business advertised for a lawyer and received responses from 1,000 applicants — half of whom did not even have law degrees。 企业调查局是一家网络管理和研究公司,根据其调查显示,2009年上半年公司收到的求职申请比去年同期增长了75%。该公司的人力资源招聘经理Todd Safferstone说,一个律师职位的招聘,引来了1000个人投简历,有一半的人甚至连法律学位都没有。 In this environment, it’s easy to see how a stellar application can become lost in the shuffle. But how do you make your highly qualified presence known without looking like a pest? 在这种情况下,一名优秀的求职者就很容易在一片混乱中失去机会。那么,你该如何让你合格的简历被招聘者所注意到呢? The best job seekers “take control of their application’s destiny,” said Kelly Renz, vice president for client services and human resources at Pinstripe, a recruitment outsourcing firm。 招聘外包公司Pinstripe的客服部以及人力资源部副总裁Kelly Renz说:“最优秀的求职者能够掌握自己的求职命运。” That means working hard to find a contact at the company who can be your advocate — or at least a conduit to the hiring manager. If you know someone at the company personally, ask him or her to forward your application to the right person。 这就是说要努力和公司能为你说话的人联系上,或者至少是和招聘经理联系。如果你私底下认识公司的员工,让他们帮你投简历给合适的招聘人员。 If you don’t know anyone at the company, ask your friends and relatives if they do. If you have a Facebook page, post a polite plea there。 如果你不认识公司的员工,问问你的亲戚朋友是否认识。如果你在Facebook上有自己的主页,在上面发布礼貌的恳求。 Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the hiring manager’s name is not readily available. Often that is a corporate ploy — a way to prevent an avalanche of follow-up inquiries about online job postings。 有时候,尽管你已经很努力了,但是招聘经理的名字你还是无从得知。通常来说,这也是公司的一种策略,一种为了防止后续大量关于网上工作招聘的询问的方式。 But do some research. Look on the company’s Web site or do an Internet search for a name. Call the human resources department and ask the receptionist if he or she knows who is in charge of hiring。 那么,做一些调查吧。访问该公司的网址,或者在网络上搜索该公司的名字。给人力资源部打电话,问前台是否知道负责招聘的人是谁。 Ms. Renz suggested another way to get a name: Go on LinkedIn and look for someone who works in the same department as the posted job. Contact that person: ask whether he or she knows who is hiring, and how that individual can be reached. You might also ask for more information about the job, Ms. Renz said。 Renz小姐建议了另外一种获得名字的方法:上LinkedIn网站搜索与该招聘职位所属同部门的工作人员。然后和他联系,问他/她是否知道谁在负责招聘,以及那个人的联系方式。她还建议说,你也可以多询问一些关于这个工作的信息。 网友评论
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